Facebook Instagram Messaging API Framework for Node.js based on Express and Typescript.
※ The package has not yet been deployed to npm. You need download it.
Download from github or use degit that will not downloading the entire git history.
$ npx degit Lastor-Chen/simple_ig_bot
Main module is src/lib
, or build/lib
for Javascript.
- If you use Typescript, copy
to your project. - If you use Javascript, copy
to your project.
axios and express is required.
- Import module, then receive Instagram Messaging Webhook and Reply a text message.
// Typescript file
import { IGReceiver, IGSender } from './lib'
const receiver = new IGReceiver({
verifyToken: 'Your Verify Token',
appSecret: 'Your FB App Secret',
const sender = new IGSender('Your FB Access Token')
// Listen "text" Event
receiver.on('text', (event, userId) => {
const text = event.message.text
sender.sendText(userId, `You said: ${text}`)
// Listen "quickReply" Event
receiver.on('quickReply', (event, userId) => {
// Do something
// Start the express server. Default port is 3000
NOTE: You can get all event types through IntelliSense provided by Typescript
- Use
comment to allow Typescript check in Javascript
// Javascript file
// @ts-check
const { IGReceiver, IGSender } = require('./lib')
- Specify a custom conversation "step" as a Event to start a conversation
// When received a postback event or other, start a conversation
receiver.on('postback', (event, userId) => {
const payload = event.postback.payload
if (payload === 'custom_flag') {
// Specify a custom conversation "step" keyword
const nextStep = 'beginning'
// This user will enter into target step
receiver.gotoStep(userId, nextStep)
// Send your question
sender.sendTemplate(userId, [
title: 'Choose a button',
buttons: [
type: 'postback',
title: 'Button A',
payload: nextStep, // Use payload as a flag
type: 'postback',
title: 'Button B',
payload: nextStep,
- After specified a custom conversation "step" as Event, now you can listen it
receiver.on('beginning', async (event, userId, userState) => {
// We cannot know the Webhook event is "message", "postback" or other
// Use "in" operator to help typescript narrow down potential types
if ('postback' in event && event.postback.payload === 'beginning') {
// Save user's answer
userState.foo = event.postback.title
// Set next step
const nextStep = 'xxx'
receiver.gotoStep(userId, nextStep)
// You can send a new question to repeat the conversation flow
// Or end the conversation
await sender.sendText(userId, 'This conversation is over')
} else {
// Handle unexpected events...
- Use ngrok to test the bot locally
$ ngrok http 3000
IGReceiver is responsible for receive Webhook from Instagram Messaging.
Property | Type | Default |
verifyToken | string | |
appSecret | string | |
webhook? | string | "/wbhook" |
Params | Type | Default |
port? | string | number | 3000 |
Listen Instagram Webhook
Params | Type | Default |
event | string | |
callback | (event, userId) => this |
Webhook Event. (See more)
Event | Description | Interface |
beforeEvent | Received a any message from user. Emit this event before check what type | MsgerEvent |
text | Received a text message from user | MsgerTextEvent |
quickReply | Received a quick reply from user | MsgerQuickReplyEvent |
attachments | Received a attachments from user | MsgerAttachmentsEvent |
postback | Received a postback from user | MsgerPostbackEvent |
Callback Params
Params | Description | Type |
event | The request data from Instagram | MsgerEvent |
userId | The sender's IGSID | string |
Listen custom conversation step
Event. You can use .gotoStep()
to specify it.
Params | Type | Default |
step | string | |
callback | (step, userId, userState<T>) => this |
Callback Params
Params | Description | Type |
step | Custom event for conversation | string |
userId | The sender's IGSID | string |
userState | A javascript Map object for save user's state | UserState |
You can specify a custom user's state Interface. step
prop is required.
// Typescript
interface UserState {
step: string
job: string
// ...any more
receiver.on<UserState>('customStep', (event, userId, userState) => {
user.job // OK
user.foo // Error, prop does not exist on type UserState
Assigns custom step
Event to user's state. It will start a conversation.
Params | Type | Default |
userId | string | |
eventName | string |
Ends a conversation by delete user's state.
Params | Type | Default |
userId | string |
A javascript Map object for save user's state.
// Set conversation "step" event to user
receiver.state.set('userId', { step: eventName })
// Get user's state then add a new one
const userState = receiver.state.get('userId')
userState.foo = 'new state value'
IGReceiver is responsible for pass request to Messenger Platform via Facebook Send API. It's based on axios.
Params | Type | Default |
accessToken | string |
Send text message or quick replies. QuickReply payload is English and numbers only.
Params | Type | Default |
receiver | string | |
text | string | |
quickReplies? | Array<string | QuickReply> |
See Quick Replies.
Interface QuickReply {
content_type?: 'text'
title: string
payload: string
image_url?: string
sender.sendText('userId', 'textContent', [
// QuickReply Interface
Send attachment. Attachment type is different from Messenger.
Params | Type | Default |
receiver | string | |
type | "image" | "like_heart" | "media_share" | |
url? | string | " " |
Send Template that supports a maximum of 10 elements per message and 3 buttons per element.
Params | Type | Default |
receiver | string | |
elements | Array<TemplateElement> |
interface TemplateElement {
/** 80 character limit */
title: string
/** 80 character limit */
subtitle?: string
image_url?: string
/** The default action executed when the template is tapped */
default_action?: {
type: 'web_url'
url: string
/** A maximum of 3 buttons per element is supported */
buttons?: TemplateButton[]
Type TemplateButton is reference from Buttons
Set opening questions. A maximum of 4 questions can be set. See Ice Breakers.
Params | Type | Default |
iceBreakers | Array<IceBreaker> |
interface IceBreaker {
question: string
payload: string
Get current Ice Breakers. See Ice Breakers.
// Response
interface IceBreakerRes {
data: {
ice_breakers: IceBreaker[]
Get Instagram user's profile information. See User Profile
Params | Type | Default |
userID | string | |
fields? | Array<"name" | "profile_pci"> | ["name"] |
See more demo from ./examples
directory. To run example files, make sure configure the .env
file with Facebook's token.
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
$ npm start