Program Id: EZau1t4dYPQbndegQx5XynT6oADjVSMShuK5UePeWyP1
Program on devnet : Solana Explorer Link
Transaction on devnet : Solana Explorer Link
Exercise: Build a native Solana program to create/initialize an account, deposit SOL into it, and withdraw 10% of the deposited SOL at a given time from it.
Topics in this exercice :
- Rust
- SOL transfer
- Build native solana program & deploy on devnet
cargo new my-solana-program --lib
cd my-solana-program
In Cargo.toml
file, add needed solana dependancies :
Replace 1.18.17
by the last stable needed version.
solana-program = "1.18.17"
borsh = "1.5.1" # Borsh for serialisation/deserialisation
borsh-derive = "1.5.1" # using `derive` macro
And libs, if you want to generate .so
crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]
Compile your program to generate a Solana-compatible binary.
cargo build-bpf
This will generate a .so
file in the target/deploy/
directory that is the program binary.
Deploy the compiled program to a Solana network (like devnet):
solana program deploy target/deploy/
This will return the address of your program on Solana.
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]
pub enum NativeVaultInstruction {
pub fn process_instruction(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts : &[AccountInfo],
input : &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
let instruction: NativeVaultInstruction = NativeVaultInstruction::try_from_slice(input)?;
match instruction {
NativeVaultInstruction::Initialize() => initialize(
NativeVaultInstruction::Deposit(args) => deposit(
NativeVaultInstruction::PartialWithdraw() => partial_withdraw(
See initialize() funcion for more comments
// Creating account
let rent: Rent = Rent::get()?;
let required_lamports: u64 = rent.minimum_balance(
let ix: solana_program::instruction::Instruction = system_instruction::create_account(
std::mem::size_of::<Vault>() as u64,
// `ix` contains the account creation instruction ready to be executed.
// Sends the account creation instruction to the Solana blockchain for execution.
user.clone (),
vault.clone (),
If the instruction is successfully executed, the vault account will be created on the Solana blockchain, and the balance required for the rent will be transferred from the user account to the vault account.
// Access (deserialization) to the data inside the `vault` account
let mut vault_data: Vault = Vault::try_from_slice(&;
vault_data.owner = *user.key;
// Serializes the updated Vault structure and writes that data to
// the vault account, storing the new values in the blockchain.
vault_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;
Derive the PDA using the user's public key
let (computed_pda, bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
TAG_SSF_PDA , // A constant seed used to differentiate this PDA.
user.key.as_ref(), // The public key of the user.
program_id // The program ID for which the address is derived.
Verify that the derived PDA matches the provided PDA.
if user_pda.key != &computed_pda {
return Err(ProgramError::InvalidAccountData);
If the PDA account is empty (new), it needs to be initialized.
if user_pda.data_is_empty() {
// Gets the rent exemption amount required to keep the account alive.
let rent: Rent = Rent::get()?;
let required_lamports: u64 = rent.minimum_balance(std::mem::size_of::<Pda>());
// Creates an instruction to create a new account for the PDA.
let ix: solana_program::instruction::Instruction = system_instruction::create_account(
&user.key , // The user paying for the creation of the account.
&computed_pda , // The PDA to be created.
required_lamports , // The lamports needed for rent exemption.
std::mem::size_of::<Pda>() as u64, // Size of the account in bytes.
program_id , // The program ID for which the account is being created.
// Invokes the instruction to create the PDA account.
user.clone (), // User's account
user_pda.clone (), // PDA account
system_program.clone(), // System program account
// Initialize the PDA's data with default values.
let mut vault_data: Pda = Pda {
signer : *user.key, // Sets the user as the owner of the PDA.
balance : 0, // Initial balance of the PDA.
deposit_time: 0, // Initial deposit timestamp set to 0.
done : false, // Indicates if the PDA is finalized (closed).
vault_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;
// Expressed as Unix time (i.e. seconds since the Unix epoch).
let clock: Clock = Clock::get()?;
vault_data.deposit_time = clock.unix_timestamp as i64;
// Expressed as Unix time (i.e. seconds since the Unix epoch).
let clock: Clock = Clock::get()?;
vault_data.deposit_time = clock.unix_timestamp as i64;
├── client
│ ├──
│ ├── bun.lockb
│ ├── index.ts
│ ├── package.json
│ └── tsconfig.json
├── src
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── .gitignore
├── 2024-08-11-14-07-55.png
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
- How to write a Native Rust Program | Solana
- Native
- Solana Playground | Solana IDE
- program-examples/basics/program-derived-addresses/native/program/src/instructions/ at main · solana-developers/program-examples · GitHub
- rust - How to get the current time in Solana program without using any external SystemProgram account - Stack Overflow
- Clock in anchor_lang::prelude - Rust
- Solana Bytes - Processing Instructions (Native) - YouTube
- Solana Account Data Comparison -- Native vs. Anchor - YouTube
- Working with Accounts in Rust Native Solana Programs [Solana Dev Course: M3 P3] - Dec 2nd '22 - YouTube
- rust - Unable to generate .so file for solana deployment. (No errors) - Stack Overflow
- Space Reference - The Anchor Book v0.29.0