This repository contains the functions to implement the Two-Stage analysis for estimating the effect of the SEARCH intervention on adult outcomes. The SEARCH statistical analysis plan is available at
R Code by Laura B. Balzer, Yea-Hung Chen, and Joshua Schwab
Stage 1: Estimate the community-level outcome.
Cumulative HIV incidence: HIV_Master.R, HIV_Functions.R
NCD analyses: NCD_Master.R, NCD_Functions.R
Population-level viral suppression & UNAIDS 90/90/90: Cascade_Master.R, Cascade_Functions.R
Suppression and ART start among closed cohort: SuppressionInClosedCohort.R
Annual HIV incidence in the intervention arm: Estimate Incidence.R
Cumulative HIV testing: Cumulative Testing.R
Mortality: mortality analysis.r
Tuberculosis analyses: tuberculosis analysis.r
Stage 2: Estimate the intervention effect, given community-level covariates, exposure, and outcomes.
- Stage2_Functions.R
- Adapt_Functions.R
Also includes code for descriptive analyses described in the statistical analysis plan:
- baseline chars.R
- baseline prev by age and sex and region.R
- patient flow primary endpoint.Rmd
- Open Cohort Patient Flow.R
- Annual HIV Incidence Cohorts in Intervention Arm.Rmd
- changes in Circumcision.Rmd
Helper functions used in analyses for HIV incidence, NCD, suppression/coverage:
- Stage1_Functions
Helper functions used in mortality/tuberculosis analyses:
- impute dates.r
- define survival variables.r
- community-level estimates.r
- Preprocess_Functions.R
- s2.r
Helper functions used in analyses for cumulative testing, suppression/ART in the closed cohort, estimating annual incidence in the intervention arm
- Utils.R