Arknights Operator Database is both a operator search system and a Damage Per Second(DPS)/Healing Per Second(HPS) calculator.
You can use it to find a list of operators that meet search requirements by faction, class, archetype, or birthplace. Searching an operator by name takes you directly to their profile.
In addition, the DPS/HPS tool is included to help with sorting out damage/healing for bossing or sorting out if you have enough damage/healing to clear a stage.
Clicking PRTS returns you to the start.
The database is intended to be used with json-server. Once json-server is installed, run json-server --watch db.json
before using the program.
Click a faction to receive a list of all operators within the faction. Or use the searchbar to find operators by various catagories. When searching by name, you are taken directly to the operator's profile. Another way to go to their profile is to click their name in the search lists.
After toggling on select-mode, clicking an operator's name in their profile or in any search list will add them to your squad. You can then click 'Calculate DPS/HPS' to receive the total damage and healing values of your team. Clicking an operator within your squad removes them.
Click 'edit' within an operator profile to edit them. The form will prefill the current data, and after a successful edit, re-renders the profile.
Pull requests are welcome. Please be sure to email or open an issue related to the changes you would like to make.
If you are having trouble, would like to make a request or query, contact with the email subject as: Arknights DB (help/query/request)
Faction and Class images -
Basic Operator Information (Such at attack values, birthplace...) and Chiave Gang faction image -
Each image is a concept art of Arknights. Though these images are subject to copyright, it is believed that their use qualifies as fair use under U.S. fair use laws.
Arknights is copyright of Hypergryph Network Technology Co., Ltd.