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@jirik jirik released this 04 Mar 12:36
· 2428 commits to master since this release

Known issues

  • In some cases, Layman does not start with error OSError: Error reading file '/qgis/data/demo/workspaces/<workspace>/layers/<layer>/<layer>.qgis': failed to load external entity "/qgis/data/demo/workspaces/<workspace>/layers/<layer>/<layer>.qgis". See #465.
    • Fixed in v1.14.1.
  • During the installation of QGis server (first make start-demo or make upgrade-demo), there may appear error /usr/lib/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. See #335 . Solution is to upgrade linux kernel, see requirements in README.
    • Fixed in v1.13.0.
  • During make upgrade-demo, there may appear error in migrate_metadata_records migration, more specifically in layman.layer.micka.csw::get_template_path_and_values method. See #285 .
    • Fixed in v1.10.1.

Upgrade requirements

Migrations and checks

  • #154 New column style_type in publications table is created.
  • #154 All workspaces are checked, that their name did not end with _wms and is not equal to workspaces. If there is any conflict found, startup process is stopped with error code 45. In that case, please downgrade to the previous minor release version and contact Layman contributors.
  • #154 All layers are copied into dedicated WMS GeoServer workspace. Styles are also moved into that workspace.
  • #154 Maps with URLs pointing to any layer stored in GeoServer are rewritten to dedicated WMS workspace.
  • #154 Following metadata properties are updated:
  • #154 Rename internal directories from /users/{workspace}/layers/{layer}/input_sld to /users/{workspace}/layers/{layer}/input_style
  • #154 Fill column style_type with "sld" for all layers.


  • #154 Enable to publish QGIS layer styles (QML)
    • For endpoints POST Layers and PATCH Layer, parameter sld is replaced with the new parameter style and marked as deprecated. In response to endpoints GET Layer and PATCH Layer, sld is replaced by the new style item and marked as deprecated. Layman Test Client now uses style parameter.
    • Parameter style accepts also QGIS layer style (QML). Layman Test Client enables to select also *.qml files.
    • Endpoint GET Layer returns in style attribute also type, either "sld" or "qml".
    • Endpoint GET Layer Style returns SLD style or QML style.
    • Treat attribute names in QML (also known as 'launder').
    • New docker container with QGIS server called qgis in demo configuration.
    • New directory LAYMAN_QGIS_DATA_DIR is used to store layer QGS files.
    • WMS is moved to dedicated GeoServer workspace whose name is composed from Layman's workspace name and suffix _wms. WFS remains in GeoServer workspace whose name is equal to Layman's workspace name.
    • Layers with QGIS style are published on GeoServer dedicated WMS workspace through WMS cascade from QGIS server, where they are stored as QGS file. All layers are published directly from PostgreSQL database to GeoServer for WFS workspace.
    • SLD style published in dedicated WMS GeoServer workspace.
    • Workspace name can not end with '_wms'. In such case, error with code 45 is raised.
    • During startup, LAYMAN_OUTPUT_SRS_LIST is ensure for all QGIS layers.
  • #67 Workspace-related REST API endpoints (maps, layers) were moved from /rest/* to /rest/workspaces/*. Whole path is for example: /rest/workspaces/<workspace_name>/layers. Old endpoints are marked as deprecated (with Deprecation header in response) and will be removed with next major release.
  • #99 New endpoint GET Version. Also available in Layman Test Client.
  • Endpoint GET Layer returns JSON object for db_table item. Previously incorrectly returns DB table name directly in db_table instead of name subitem.
  • Undocumented attributes type and id were removed from GET Layer and Get Map responses.
  • To indicated if Layman is running, you can call GET Version.
  • Optional standalone upgrade command was implemented to avoid Gunicorn timeout.