An enhanced velocity handler
Allow MCDR to handle player chat, player chat log line format can be configured in config
Allow ignoring or replace chat message with specified prefixes
>= 2.13.0-alpha.1
- Place this plugin in your MCDR plugin directory
- Install some Velocity plugin to print player chat to Velocity console, such as VelocityMCDRCommand
- Start MCDR
Default command prefix: !!hvl
(Can be configured in config file)
!!hvl reload
Reload handler config
Config file path: config/lbs_velocity_handler/config.json
Modify this plugin config prefix
Default value:
Only players has this permission level or higher can run this plugin commands
Replace the prefixes defined in these keys to their corresponding values
Default value:
{"!!MCDR": "!!VMCDR", "!!VMCDR": "!!MCDR"}
(Default value is set to avoid conflict of
with MCDR on sub-servers) -
Chat message which starts with these values will be ignored
Default value: Empty list
Player chat log formats which not includes Velocity regular log prefixes
Default value:
['[{server}] <{name}> {message}']
(Default format is the same as the player chat log format of VelocityMCDRCommand)