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Godot 4 - CharactformerBody

An advanced CharacterBody2D / CharacterBody3D(WIPlan) that provides a bunch of new features to make your platform game development more easily.

What is a CharactformerBody2D / CharactformerBody3D?

A CharactformerBody2D / CharactformerBody3D is an extended class of CharacterBody2D / CharacterBody3D, which name comes from "character" and "platformer". Its name indicates that this class is designed for platformer games.

What is speed?

A charactformer body provide basic properties and methods for fast setting of platform game. For example, you can set its speed, which is not a scale that describes the length of velocity in physics, but the velocity transformed by a specific factor determined by speed_direction, which is useful because you can ignore its gravity direction to fast set the speed even if the body is in a special-gravitified area. The following two pictures will help you better understand this property (Taking CharactformerBody2D as an example here):
normal state in special area

Wait, is it gravity?!

Yep, in a characfomer body, gravity are implemented without doing extra things. This means that only a slight call of moving function will the gravity be calculated and applied to the body. This is good because it makes the code simple and easy to understand.

Wow, I found acceleration and even force!

You're right, and congratulations! You can accelerate a charactformer body by calling an accelerate_*() method, and if you would like to be more Newton, the method apply_force() and the property mass and constant_force are also a nice try, which is similar to ones in rigid body; however, they are always central, which means that all forces are applied at the central of the body.
By the way, why not try decelerate your body by get_floor_friction()? This is a very useful method when you want a character body to slow down on the ground based on the friction of the floor. It helps you with cutting down complex boilerplate codes and make your code more well-polished.

How can I move a charactformer body?

A good question. When you want to move it, you should not call move_and_slide(); instead, you should call move(), which receives one parameter that controls if the gravity should be applied to the body.
Feeling depressed by default moving logic? Don't be down, you have a chance to override _move_logic() virtual method to custom your own movement. From this point of view, you may find that the method move() is a wrapper of _move_logic() for meeting the requirement of naming regulation.
This does not mean that you cannot directly call _move_logic, but for better comprehension, it's more recommended to call move().
Meanwhile, when a charactformer body collides with another body or tile that has collision, the signals - collided_wall, collided_ceiling, collided_floor or collided_at_narrow_corner, will be emitted accordingly, which allows you to listen to specific collision event and connect it to a custom action.

And what is AutomovingCharactformerBody2D / AutomovingCharactformerBody3D?

This is an extended class of CharactformerBody2D / CharactformerBody3D, but this is preferred to be used for creating walking items or entities, such as enemies walking around and items with "legs and feet". Unlike CharactformerBody2D / CharactformerBody3D, this class has a target_walking_speed, which limits the speed that a automoving charactformer body should maintain. If the speed.x does not equal to the value of the target_walking_speed, the body will try accelerating or decelerating until its speed.x reaches this value.
What's more, on call of move() and execution of _move_logic(), the automoving charactformer body can turn back on collision with a wall, without connecting collided_wall signal to turn_h() method, which would lead to potential problems.


Godot Version

  • Godot 4.3 or later

Supported Platforms and Structures

  • Windows x86 & x64, arm32 & arm64
  • Linux x64, rv64, arm64
  • iOS
  • MacOS
  • Android x86 & x64, arm32 & arm64
  • Web wasm32