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Companion Mobile App

For the companion mobile app client see the repo linked below.


Development Dependencies

Development tools:

# use nvm to install node from the .nvmrc file
$ nvm install
# set the in use node version from the .nvmrc file's verision
$ nvm use
# install node dependencies
$ npm install

# if you run into an issue installing sharp on apple M1 see the link below:

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


# deploy local secrets
$ kubectl create secret generic local-lazztechhub --from-env-file=.env.local
# deploy local
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/local.yaml

# open graphql-playground
$ open http://localhost:30000/graphql

# delete local
$ kubectl delete -f kubernetes/local.yaml
# delete local secrets
$ kubectl delete secret local-lazztechhub
# deploy dev secrets
$ kubectl create secret generic dev-lazztechhub
# deploy dev
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/dev.yaml

# delete dev
$ kubectl delete -f kubernetes/dev.yaml
# delete dev secrets
$ kubectl delete secret dev-lazztechhub
# deploy stage secrets
$ kubectl create secret generic stage-lazztechhub --from-env-file=.env.stage
# deploy stage
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/stage.yaml

# delete stage
$ kubectl delete -f kubernetes/stage.yaml
# delete stage secrets
$ kubectl delete secret stage-lazztechhub


A local instance of postgres running in a docker container for testing against a prod DB replica. Pgadmin is not required, but recommend for ease of use. Alternatively the database-client VSCode extension may be used.

Create database dump and import to local database

# prepare gitignored data folder if it's not already present
$ mkdir ./data

# dump database
$ pg_dump -h <host> -p <port> -U <username> -Fc <database> > ./data/db.dump

# start postgres
$ docker run --name lazztech_postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Password123 -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres

# copy dump file to the docker container
$ docker cp ./data/db.dump lazztech_postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data/db.dump

# shell into container
$ docker exec -it lazztech_postgres bash

# restore it from within
$ pg_restore -U postgres -d postgres --no-owner -1 /var/lib/postgresql/data/db.dump

# cleanup
$ docker stop lazztech_postgres
$ docker rm lazztech_postgres

In your .env or .env.local file configure these enviroment varaibles for postgres

# Postgres
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
    container_name: lazztech_postgres
    image: postgres
    restart: always
      - '5432:5432'
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Password123
      - POSTGRES_DB=postgres
      - /<Your_Volume_Directory>
    container_name: pgadmin4
    image: dpage/pgadmin4
    restart: always
      - '5050:80'


Custom scripts have been added to streamline and simplify handling migrations with two database contexts.

# each script comes in sqlite | postgres | all variations
# scripts ending with "all" perform the action on both databases
# <migration_name_here> name will be applied to a migration specific to each database

# create a migration generated from the entity schema
$ name=<migration_name_here> npm run migration:generate:<sqlite|postgres|all>

# create a blank migration
$ name=<migration_name_here> npm run migration:create:<sqlite|postgres|all>

# apply migrations
$ npm run migration:apply:<sqlite|postgres|all>

# revert most recently applied migration
$ npm run migration:revert:<sqlite|postgres|all>

# lists pending queries to executed based on the entity schema
$ npm run migration:log:all

# displays what migrations have been applied to the databases
$ npm run migration:show:all

Web Push Notifications

# generate public and private vapid keys
$ npx web-push generate-vapid-keys


# test, build & push container, deploy dev and deploy stage
# note: the uses docker buildx for m1 support to cross compile to x86
$ ./scripts/ && ./scripts/ && ./scripts/ && ./scripts/


Parameter Function Optional Example
APP_NAME Used when sending emails to call out the name of the service Lazztech Hub
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET Used for jwt tokens
PUBLIC_VAPID_KEY Used for web push notifications
PRIVATE_VAPID_KEY Used for web push notifications
FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY Used for push notifications
PUSH_NOTIFICATION_ENDPOINT Used for triggering push notifications via http
EMAIL_TRANSPORT Used for emailing users 'gmail' or 'mailgun' defaults to gmail
EMAIL_API_KEY Used for emailing users required for mailgun
EMAIL_DOMAIN Used for emailing users required for mailgun
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS Used for emailing users
EMAIL_PASSWORD Used for emailing users ✅ when transport is mailgun
DATABASE_TYPE Used for selecting sqlite or postgres Defaults to sqlite ✅ 'sqlite' or 'postgres'
DATABASE_HOST Used for connecting to database Optional depending on database type ✅
DATABASE_PORT Used for connecting to database Optional depending on database type ✅
DATABASE_USER Used for connecting to database Optional depending on database type ✅
DATABASE_PASS Used for connecting to database Optional depending on database type ✅
DATABASE_SCHEMA Used for connecting to database Optional depending on database type ✅
DATABASE_SSL To configure whether to use SSL for database Optional depending on database type ✅
FILE_STORAGE_TYPE For selecting local or S3 compatible storage configuration Defaults to local ✅ Select 'local' or 'object'
OBJECT_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID Used for S3 compatible object file storage Optional depending on file storage type ✅
OBJECT_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Used for S3 compatible object file storage Optional depending on file storage type ✅
OBJECT_STORAGE_ENDPOINT Used for S3 compatible object file storage Optional depending on file storage type ✅

Stay in touch


Copyright Lazztech LLC


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