Releases: LeGitHubDeTai/AnimeBack
Releases · LeGitHubDeTai/AnimeBack
✔️ add:
- licence Tai Studio system for premium version
⚠️ update:
- change URL in options window
🔧 fix:
- notificator system autoclose
- logo branding for demo version
✔️ add:
- limit for extension load and it set to 3
- notification popup
- new option in ExtensionKit for function create window: alwaysOnTop & backgroundColor & transparent & Pos[{x:0, y:0}]
⚠️ update:
- window option interface
🔧 fix:
- app error on closed
- extends loading
🔧 fix:
- loading interact wallpapers
🔧 fix:
- multiscreen negative postion x
🔧 fix:
- option window freeze on extensions download
- load extension for multi display
- crash on app quit or restart
- preview image interactive wallpaper in option window
✔️ add:
- multiscreen support
⚠️ update:
- load wallpaper
- change video loading
- video autoplay on hover in option window
- particle system for interact wallpapers
🕒 prepare:
- wallpaper per screen
🔧 fix:
- preview images on option window
- lag in option window
- interact wallpaper loding in option window
- interact wallpaper get mouse on other display of the main
❌ remove:
- fix background option in tray menu
- timeOnActive in config.json
✔️ add:
- images name on option window
- logs on event in option window
🕒 prepare:
- manual changelog to automatic changelog
🔧 fix:
- scrollbar size on option window
- video interaction wallpaper
- interaction wallpaper loader in option window
- on change wallpaper remove particles
- prevent the option window from reloading by clicking on the tray
- interactive categories
🔧 fix:
- prepare to multi screen support
🔧 fix:
- prepare to multi screen support
✔️ add:
- interactive wallpaper
- indicator for wallpaper interactive
- add config option (json_interact)
⚠️ update:
- change format gif
- change wallpaper loading
🔧 fix:
- re-install an extension
- remove all corrupt file .zip in /extensions
- option window load images error
- if options window is open focus for 2nd click