Releases: LeGitHubDeTai/AnimeBack
Releases · LeGitHubDeTai/AnimeBack
✔️ add:
- ipcMain for extensionAPI
🔧 fix:
- app crash on extension load
❌ remove:
- auto update extension
✔️ add:
- support url files
- config option maxFPS (default: 60)
- unload extension
- remove extension
- autoupdate for extension
- add config option (extend remove, extend unloaded, extend update and run on windows startup)
- add wiki on github
⚠️ update:
- files location
- change loading extension functions
- change option window to no frame
- change code format
- github release
- tray tooltip
- change icon remove for gif
🔧 fix:
- prevent Multiple Instances
- get all extension
- wallpaper setup to background on start
- auto start
❌ remove:
- .temp dir
🔧 fix:
- log for multiscreen support <3
✔️ add:
- .temp dir for executed extensions
- remove an extension
- log file %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\AnimeBack\logs\main.log
- on click branding logo open this git repo
🕒 prepare:
- multiscreen
🔧 fix:
- error image loading window option
✔️ add:
- current selected wallpaper
- button browse extension folder
- branding logo in options window
- download officials extensions
⚠️ update:
- change of selection color
- optimization in all code
- change color for extension
🔧 fix:
- selector video
- image selector function
- load extensions
- buttons support responsive
✔️ add:
- author name for the extensions
⚠️ update:
- set default img
🔧 fix:
- option menu preview and categories
- background height
- drag and drop on background window
- video size
- hover gif selections
- changelog error
✔️ add:
- branding log
🔧 fix:
- performance in option window
- on reload option window
🔧 fix:
- auto update background size on change screen résolution
- position background