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Has this ever happened to you?

Manager: We need to cut costs in our texting service! Our links are creating additional texts. How can we fix this?

Then this is the gem for you!

Supply the domains you'd like to be shorten and start passing your text through the Shortenator TODAY!

currently only works with bitly. no purchase necessary. apache license 2.0 terms and conditions apply


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shortenator'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shortenator



To configure Shortenator create shortenator.rb in /config/initializers then copy and modify the following code block to your liking:

# in config/initializers/shortenator.rb
require 'shortenator'

Shortenator.configure do |config| = [''] # These are the array of domains that will be shortened if found
  config.bitly_token = ENV['BITLY_TOKEN']
  config.remove_protocol = true # OPTIONAL false by default, this will remove the `https://` from the beginning of the shortened link.
  config.default_tags = ['repo_name'] # OPTIONAL empty by default, let you auto tag all links for organization
  config.bitly_group_guid = ENV['DEFAULT_BITLY_GROUP_GUID'] #OPTIONAL the bitly docs recommend to set this in the event you accidently switch your token's group and hit a smaller limit than you intended. source:
  config.caching_model = LinkLookup # OPTIONAL this allows you to save your shortened links to your own database table to avoid hitting a service's API rate limits, more details below.
  config.ignore_200_check = true # OPTIONAL false by default, this will shorten links regardless if the link throws any errors.
  config.localhost_replacement = '' # OPTIONAL '' by default, this is mainly used for testing purposes because bitly will not shorten localhost links, but if you need for whatever the reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To use Shortenator call search_and_shorten_links

def send_sms(text, number)
  text_with_shortened_links = Shortenator.search_and_shorten_links(text)
  # more code that probably needs to happen before sending...
  TextingService.send_text(text_with_shortened_links, number)

send_sms('Thanks for your order, track the status here:', 1234567890)
# Actual message sent: 'Thanks for your order, track the status here:'

Need to tag certain things differently depending on the situation? You can use these params separately, or together, at runtime.

  # Sometimes need to add additional tags for certain parts of your app? Use the `additional_tags:` param!
  Shortenator.search_and_shorten_links("text", additional_tags: ["new feature"])
  # Need to over write the tags set in the configs? Use the `tags:` param!
  Shortenator.search_and_shorten_links("text", tags: ["new tag1", "new tag2"])

Have multiple groups that links can be shortened from? Bitly groups can set their own custom domains and can have different limits from each other while a part of the same organization. Here's how you can use different groups all around your code

  Shortenator.search_and_shorten_links("text", bitly_group_guid: ENV['OTHER_BITLY_GROUP_GUID')

Need to cache your shortened links? Here's how to achieve that. Recommended approach:

  • An ActiveRecord model with a long_link and short_link as strings
  • in shortenator.rb add to the config like so: config.caching_model = <MODEL NAME HERE>

Now once a link that's been shortened before attempts to be shortened, you'll save yourself a call to whatever service you use.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


To find and shorten links in text!







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