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4.02. Buffs

Furkan SAMANLI edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 9 revisions


NOTE: If you want better descriptions for these buffs, click here

Description for the buff Buffname
Aatrox E slow AatroxEConeMissile
Aatrox Passive Description AatroxPassive
Aatrox Passive on Cooldown AatroxPassiveActivate
Aatrox Passive off Cooldown AatroxPassiveReady
Aatrox Q enemy airborne AatroxQ
Aatrox R range and attack speed buff AatroxR
Aatrox W passive AatroxWLife
Aatrox W next auto will heal AatroxWONHLifeBuff
Aatrox W next auto will damage AatroxWONHPowerBuff
Aatrox W active AatroxWPower
Nunu channeling ult Absolute_Zero
Nunu ult move and attack slow AbsoluteZeroSlow
Abyssal Scepter magic resist debuff Abyssal_Scepter
Abyssal Scepter aura (on owner) Abyssal_Scepter_Aura
Aegis of the Legion aura (on owner) Aegis_of_the_Legion
Aegis of the Legion mr and regen buff Aegis_of_the_Legion_Friend
Ahri on W cast AhriFoxFire
Ahri Passive Description AhriPassive
Ahri E (on target) AhriSeduce
Ahri DoomBot damage increase (on target) AhriSeduceDoom
Ahri Passive Ready AhriSoulCrusher
Ahri Passive Counter AhriSoulCrusherCounter
Ahri Passive ? AhriSoulCrusherNumbers
Ahri R can be used AhriTumble
Akali Q mark (on target) AkaliMota
Akali R off cooldown AkaliShadowDance
Akali W invisible AkaliTwilightShroud
Akali W movespeed buff AkaliTwilightShroudBuff
Akali W movespeed debuff enemies in area AkaliTwilightShroudDebuff
Akali Passive bonus damage on-hit AkaliTwinAP
Akali Passive Description AkaliTwinDisciplines
Akali Passive heal on dmg given AkaliTwinDmg
Master Yi Q hit target and will be damaged Alpha_Strike
Master Yi Q'ing Alpha_Striking
Malzahar E debuff (on target) AlZaharMaleficVisions
Malzahar R DoT (on target) AlZaharNetherGrasp
Malzahar R knockdown (on target) AlZaharNetherGraspSound
Malzahar Passive Description AlZaharSummonVoidling
Malzahar Passive Counter (probably) AlZaharSummonVoidlingBuff
Malzahar Passive Ready AlZaharSummonVoidlingReady
Malzahar Voidling description AlZaharVoidling
Malzahar Voidling damage and armor buffed AlZaharVoidlingPhase2
Malzahar Voidling attack speed buffed AlZaharVoidlingPhase3
Speed Shrine (In ARAM?) AramSpeedShrineBuff
Ryze Passive Arcane_Mastery
Ascended buff AscBuff
Ascension buff of Xerath AscBuff_Xerath
Ascension user teleporting AscWarp
Ascension short dmg reduc and tenacity buff after teleport AscWarpProtection
Ashe Passive Counter (probably) AsheCritChance
Ashe Passive ready AsheCritChanceReady
Amumu W active (on owner) AuraofDespair
Amumu W aura (on target) AuraofDespairDamage
Azir E shield on encounter with enemy champ AzirEShield
Azir Passive Description AzirPassive
Azir Passive ready AzirPassiveAvailable
Azir Q slow (on target) AzirQSlow
Azir R knockback AzirRBump
Azir R movespeed buff for allies AzirRHaste
Shaco Passive Description Backstab
Bag of Tea hp/mana regen (removed from game) Bag_of_Tea
Banshee's Veil spell shield BansheesVeil
Tryndamere Passive Description Battle_Fury
Poppy W Passive BattleHardened
??? BerserkBuff
Bilgewater Cutlass movespeed debuff (on target) BilgewaterCutlass
Black Cleaver % armor reduc (on target) Black_Cleaver
Morgana E (on target) (probably) Black_Shield
Blackfire Torch DoT (on target) BlackfireTorchBurn
Blackfire Torch stack counter BlackfireTorchCharges
Black Omen attackspeed reduc (on target) BlackOmen
BoTRK slow (on target) BladeOfTheRuinedKing
BoTRK movespeed bonus (on owner) BladeOfTheRuinedKingSelf
Blade Weaving (mastery) aa ad bonus BladeWeaving
Bleed reveal Bleed
Bleed DoT Bleeding
Summoner's Rift Red Buff BlessingoftheLizardElder
Blind CC Blind
Teemo Q blind debuff Blinding_Dart
Lee Sin E2 slow (on target) BlindMonkCripple
Lee Sin R (on knockbacked target) BlindMonkDragonsRage
Lee Sin Passive BlindMonkFlurry
Lee Sin W2 (on self) BlindMonkIronWill
Lee Sin W shield (on both target and owner) BlindMonkSafeguard
Lee Sin Q1 hit (on target) BlindMonkSonicWave
Lee Sin E1 hit (on target) BlindMonkTempest
Blink Dagger mana regen BlinkDagger
Blink Dagger on cooldown BlinkDaggerCheck
Blitzcrank Passive on cooldown BlitzcrankManaBarrierCD
Warwick E passive Blood_Awareness
Nunu W buff Blood_Boil
Warwick E reveal (on target) Blood_Scent
Tryndamere Q passive buff Bloodlust
Overlord's Bloodmail HP regen Bloodmail2
??? armor increase Boistrous_Resolve
Furor enchanted boot movespeed buff BootsDeathmarchSpeed
Homeguard enchanted boot movespeed buff BootsHomeguardSpeed
Brand Passive (on target) BrandAblaze
Brand Passive Description BrandPassive
Braum E BraumE
Braum Passive BraumMark
Braum Passive damage tracker? BraumMarkDamageTracker
Braum Passive unstunnable target BraumMarkStunReduction
Braum R knocked up target BraumPulseLineKnockup
Braum Q slow BraumQSlow
Braum Passive stunned target BraumStunDebuff
Braum W armor and mr BraumWPassiveStatsDoubler
Breath Stealer AP and bonus AD reduc Breathstealer
Elise human stun BuffEliseCocoon
Elise E slow BuffEliseESlow
Elise Spider Rappel BuffEliseRappel
Elise Spiderling heal elise on aa buff BuffEliseSkitter
Elise ? BuffEliseSpider
Elise Spider Form BuffEliseSpiderForm
DoT Burning
Mundo W dmg aura and CC reduc BurningAgony
Nidalee Bushwack reveal and DoT BushwhackDamage
Tristana R knockback (on target) Buster_Shot
Caitlyn R channel (on target) CaitlynAceintheHole
Caitlyn Passive Counter CaitlynHeadshotCount
Caitlyn Passive Ready CaitlynHeadshotReady
Caitlyn W root debuff CaitlynYordleTrap
Caitlyn W reveal (on target) CaitlynYordleTrapSight
Viktor R debuff?? Calamitys_Grasp
Teemo buff on invisibility break CamoflagueBuff
Teemo Passive Description Camouflage
Teemo Passive invisible CamouflageStealth
Gangplank R AoE slow (on target) CannonBarrageSlow
Twisted Fate Red Card Slow CardmasterSlow
Twisted Fate E counter CardMasterStack
Twisted Fate E ready CardMasterStackParticle
Cho'Gath Passive Description Carnivore
Cassiopeia Passive Description CassiopeiaDeadlyCadence
Cassiopeia W poison CassiopeiaMiasma
Cassiopeia Q poison CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast
Cassiopeia Q movespeed buff CassiopeiaNoxiousBlastHaste
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 0 CassiopeiaPoisonTicker
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 1 CassiopeiaPoisonTicker2
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 2 CassiopeiaPoisonTicker3
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 3 CassiopeiaPoisonTicker4
??? Caster_Minion_Aura
Catalyst Heal buff CatalystHeal
Chalice of Harmony on cooldown ChaliceCheck
Chalice of Harmony Buff ChaliceOfHarmony
Alistar? dashing with w? Charging
Chill (move and attackspeed debuff) Chilled
Zilean R (on target) ChronoShift
Cleanse buff Cleanse
Alistar Passive Description Colossal_Strength
Soraka Passive Description Consecration_Self
Corki R Counter Big One Loaded CorkiMissileBarrageCounterBig
Corki R Counter Normal Loaded CorkiMissileBarrageCounterNormal
WTF??? CorpseExplosion
Jax Dodging and can recast E Counter_Strike_Can_Cast
Some jungle monster's % damage increase CrestofCrushingWrath
Some jungle monster's movespeed buff CrestofFlowingWater
Some jungle moster's attackspeed increase and cdr CrestofNaturesFury
Summoner's Rift blue buff CrestoftheAncientGolem
Summoner's Rift new blue buff?? CrestoftheAncientGolem2015
Summoner's Rift blue buff aura??? CrestoftheAncientGolemAura
??? CrestofUnyieldingStone
Attackspeed reduc? Cripple
Fiddlesticks R active Crowstorm
Crystal Flask HP and mana regen CrystalFlask
Crystal Flask stack counter CrystalFlaskCharge
Amumu Passive Description Cursed_Touch_Marker
Amumu Passive proc on target CursedTouch
Amumu Passive Description again? CursedTouchMarker
Amumu Passive self? CursedTouchSelf
Amumu R entangle CC CurseoftheSadMummy
Darius armor penetration DariusAxeGrabArmorPen
Darius R can be recast DariusExecuteMulticast
Darius Passive proc on target DariusHemo
Darius Passive Description DariusHemoMarker
Darius Passive Description again? DariusHemoPassive
Darius Passive movespeed buff DariusHemoSpeedIcon
Darius W attack modifier DariusNoxianTacticsActive
Darius W attack and movespeed slow DariusSlow
Morgana Q rooted for years (xD) Dark_Binding
Dash Spell or normal dash? Dash
Karthus Passive Description Death_Defied
Karthus zombie state Death_Defied_Buff
Deathfire Grasp max HP DoT Deathfire_Grasp
Deathfire Grasp magic damage increase DeathfireGraspSpell
Katarina R channeling and enemies are hit DeathLotusSound
Shaco Q invisibility and attack modifier Deceive
Rammus W DefensiveBallCurl
Ryze R active DesperatePower
Stealth Prohibitor (de?)buff Destealth
Twisted Fate R reveal debuff (on target) Destiny
Twisted Fate can teleport Destiny_Marker
Twisted Fate Red Card Slow (But has ult's name, wtf?) Destiny_Slow
Tristana Passive Buff Detonating_Shot
Diana Q debuff (on target) DianaMoonlight
Diana W cast and spheres surronding her DianaOrbs
Diana Passive Description DianaPassive
Diana W Shield DianaShield
Master Yi Passive Ready DoubleStrikeReady
Master Yi Passive Counter DoubleStrikeStacks
Dragon Vision Buff Dragon_Vision_Buff
Dragon DoT and dmg reduc DragonBurning
Fiddlesticks W Drain
Draven E knockaside (on target) DravenDoubleBump
Draven W movespeed buff DravenFury
Draven W attackspeed buff DravenFuryBuff
Draven Passive Description DravenPassive
Draven Passive Stacks Counter DravenPassiveStacks
Draven has 1 or more axe(s) DravenSpinning
Tristana Passive Description Draw_a_Bead
Reallly rito? Teemo leaving trail behind him boosting allies? Eagle_Eye
Elise Passive Description ElisePassive
Elise Spider Q Slow EliseSpiderQSlow
Elixir of Brilliance AP and CDR buff Elixer_of_Brilliance
Elixir of Agility attackspeed and critchance buff Elixer_of_Elusiveness
Elixir of Fortitude HP and AD buff Elixer_of_Fortitude
Ichor of Illumination AP, cdr and mana regen buff ElixirOfIllumination
Elixir of Iron size, tenacity and slow resist buff ElixirOfIron
Ichor of Rage AD and attackspeed buff ElixirOfRage
Elixir of Ruin buff ElixirOfRuin
Elixir of Sorcery buff ElixirOfSorcery
Elixir of Wraith buff ElixirOfWrath
Emblem of Valor HP regen buff Emblem_of_Valour
Emblem of Valor HP regen aura Emblem_of_Valour_Aura
Morgana Passive Description Empathize
Singed Passive Description Empowered_Bulwark
Jax W attack modifier EmpowerTwo
Ashe R stun Enchanted_Crystal_Arrow
Ashe R AoE slow Enchanted_Crystal_Arrow_Slow
Devour Stack Counter Enchantment_Slayer_Stacks
Annie Passive Ready Energized
Entropy DoT Entropy
Warwick Passive Description Eternal_Thirst
Warwick Passive stacking Eternal_Thirsted
Warwick Passive (on target) EternalThirstBuff
Warwick Passive stacking again? EternalThirsted
Evelynn E attackspeed buff EvelynnE
Evelynn Passive Description EvelynnPassive
Evelynn R shield EvelynnRShield
Evelynn R slow EvelynnRSlow
Evelynn Invisibility EvelynnStealthMarker
Evelynn W movespeed buff EvelynnWActive
Evelynn W passive movespeed EvelynnWPassive
Baron Nashor AD, AP, mana and HP regen buff ExaltedwithBaronNashor
Executioner's Calling will wound enemies hit Executioners_Calling
Exhaust miss autoattacks? Exhaust
Explosive Shot DoT Explosive_Shot_Debuff
Explosive Cartridges AoE ExplosiveCartridges
Eye of the Storm dmg absorb and bonus AD Eye_Of_The_Storm
Another unused buff? EzrealEnergyBurst
Ezreal W attackspeed buff EzrealEssenceFluxBuff
Ezreal W attackspeed debuff EzrealEssenceFluxDebuff
Ezreal Passive attackspeed buff EzrealRisingSpellForce
Ezreal Passive Description? EzrealRisingSpellForceBuff
Fear CC (aimlessly run) Fear
Cho'Gath R stack counter Feast
Alistar R AD and dmg reduc buff Ferocious_Howl
Fiora Passive Description? FioraDuelist
Fiora Passive HP regen buff FioraDuelistHot
Fiora attackspeed buff FioraFlurry
Fiora movespeed buff FioraFlurryMS
Fiora Q can be used again FioraQCD
Fiora Q movespeed buff FioraQDebuff
Fiora parry next aa FioraRiposte
Fiora parry permanent AD buff FioraRiposteBuff
Dragon DoT (on target) FireoftheGreatDragon
Xin Zhao armor increase (dat buffname tho) FizzAirborne
Fizz R stuck (on target) FizzChurnTheWatersCling
Fizz W passive DoT FizzMalison
Fizz Passive Description FizzPassive
Fizz W Active (on owner) FizzSeastoneActive
Fizz W passive DoT again? FizzSeastoneTrident
Anivia Q can be recast? FlashFrost
Flee CC (run on a straight line) Flee
Singed (W or E?) thrown someone (on target) FlingBuff
Ashe Passive Description Focus
Force of Nature HP regen ForceofNature
Kassadin E stack counter ForcePulse
Kassadin E ready ForcePulseAvailable
Turret Fortify buff Fortify
Frost Shot slow (on target) Frost_Arrow
Frost Shot (on owner) Frost_Shot
Frozen Mallet slow Frozen_Mallet_Slow
Frozen Heart Aura attackspeed reduc (on target) FrozenHeartAura
Galio Shield (on shielded target) GalioBulwark
Galio channeling R GalioIdolOfDurand
Galio Q slow (on target) GalioResoluteSmite
Galio E movespeed buff GalioRighteousGustHaste
Galio Passive Description GalioRunicSkin
??? GarenCommandOther
Garen spin to win GarenE
Garen W passive GarenKillBuff
Garen Passive Description GarenPassive
Garen Passive on cooldown GarenPassiveCooldown
Garen Passive active GarenPassiveHeal
Garen Q attack modifier GarenQBuff
Garen Q movespeed buff GarenQHaste
Garen W active GarenW
Twisted Fate R2 teleporting Gate
Corki E resistance debuff Gatling_Gun
Corki E active (on owner) GatlingGunSelf
Taric Passive Description Gemcraft
Ghost Ward GhostWard
Ghost Ward stack counter GhostWardCharge
Jungle monster grants sight? GiftOfSight
Anivia R? active GlacialStorm
Another rito only buff GlobalEmptyBuff
Gnar E attackspeed buff GnarEAttackSpeed
Gnar has high fury GnarFuryHigh
Gnar Passive Description GnarPassive
Gnar Q slow GnarQSlow
Gnar R knockback GnarRKnockback
Gnar full fury GnarTransform
Gnar about to transform GnarTransformSoon
Gnar cannot get rage while this exists GnarTransformTired
Gnar W movespeed buff GnarWBuff
Gnar W proc (on target) GnarWProc
Gouged DoT and HP regen block Gouged
Gragas Passive Description GragasPassive
Gragas Q can be detonated GragasQ
Gragas W attack modifier GragasWAttack
Gragas W damage reduc GragasWSelf
Graves Passive Description GravesPassive
Graves Passive buff GravesPassiveGrit
Graves Passive buff GravesPassiveGritStacks
Graves W slow GravesSmokeCloud
Graves attackspeed buff GravesSteroid
Grievous Wound heal reduc GrievousWound
Guardian Angel buff Guardian_Angel
Phage slow Hamstring
Baron Nashor Buff HandOfBaron
Baron Nashor buffed minion? HandOfBaronSplit
Baron Nashor Buff again? HandOfBaronV2
Tenacity buff? Hardening
Guardian Angel on cooldown HasBeenRevived
Ghost movespeed and no-collision buff SummonerHaste
Alistar Q airborne Headbutt
Caitlyn Passive Description Headshot_Marker
If unit has this buff, secondary heals will be less effective HealCheck
HP pot buff Health_Potion
??? HealthBomb
Hecarim W DoT AoE (on target) HecarimDefileLifeLeech
Hecarim Passive Description HecarimPassive
Hecarim E charging HecarimRamp
Hecarim E next aa will knockback target HecarimRampAttack
Hecarim ? HecarimRapidSlash
Hecarim ?? HecarimRapidSlash2
Hecarim W (on owner) HecarimW
Zilean Passive Description Heightened_Learning
Heimerdinger turret ready (stack=turret count) Heimerdinger_Turret_Ready
Heimerdinger Passive Description HeimerdingerPassive
Heimerdinger Secret Pentakill buff HeimerdingerPentakill
Heimerdinger Q turret buff HeimerdingerQ
Heimerdinger turret active (on turret) HeimerdingerQPower
Heimerdinger R activated buff HeimerdingerR
Heimerdinger RQ turret buff HeimerdingerSuperTurret
Heimerdinger RQ turret slow HeimerdingerUltTurretSlow
Hexdrinker activated HexdrunkEmpowered
Hexdrinker on cooldown HexdrunkTimerCD
Hextech Gunblade slow HextechGunblade
Revealed by Hextech Sweeper HextechSweeper
Master Yi R active Highlander
Janna Q can be released Howling_Gale
Howling Abyss aura mana regen passive xp and heal reduc HowlingAbyssAura
Warwick W attackspeed buff Hunter's_Call
Nunu E move and attackspeed debuff Iceblast
Dr. Mundo Q slow InfectedCleaverDebuff
Annie's Tibbers' damage aura Infernal_Guardian
Annie countdown to Tibbers' despawn InfernalGuardianTimer
Warwick R suspend on target Infinite_Duress
Warwick R lifesteal on him InfiniteDuress
Warwick R on him InfiniteDuressSound
Item restoring 10 mana/sec Innervating_Locket
Aura item increased mana regen on ally InnervatingLocketAuraFriend
Aura item increased mana regen on self InnervatingLocketAuraSelf
Singed R buff Insanity_Potion
Twisted Fate R teleporting InstaGate
URF buff InternalTestBuff
Irelia W passive heal on attack IreliaHitenStyle
Irelia W active heal and bonus dmg on attack IreliaHitenStyleCharged
Irelia passive tenacity IreliaIonianDuelist
Irelia can cast R to fire blade IreliaTranscendentBlades
Locket of the Iron Solari HP regen aura IronStylusAura
Locket of the Iron Solari active shield IronStylusBuff
Locket of the Iron Solari shielded before IronStylusCheck
Ninja? Is_Ninja
Pirate? Is_Pirate
Pirate Hunter? IsPirateHunter
Frenzy rune's attackspeed buff ItemAngelHandBuff
Orb of Winter passive shielded ItemAvalanche
Banshee's Veil HP regen? ItemBansheesVeilRegen
Blackfire's Torch magic dmg increase ItemBlackfireTorchSpell
??? bleeding for %HP ItemBladedGauntlet
The Bloodthirster shield fading ItemBTOverhealDecay
The Bloodthirster shield exists ItemBTOverhealTimer
Unit revealed by Clairvoyance ItemClairvoyanceSight
Crystalline Flask HP&mana regen ItemCrystalFlask
Crystalline Flask charge counter ItemCrystalFlaskCharge
Dervish Blade movespeed buff ItemDervishBlade
Trap is disabled ItemDisable
Ohmwrecker active turret is disabled ItemFaithShaker
Wriggle's Lantern upgrade to Feral Flare counter ItemFeralFlareCounter
Iceborn Gauntlet area slow and dmg on next hit ItemFrozenFist
??? burning ItemFullBurn
Ghost Ward revealing area (probable timer) ItemGhostWard
Ghost Ward charge counter ItemGhostWardCharge
Frost Queen's Claim slow ItemGlacialSpike
Guardian's Horn MS, armor and MR buff ItemHorn
Guardian's Horn ready counter ItemHornCounter
Guardian's Horn ready buff ItemHornUsable
A buff tracking how jungler has done? ItemJungleStatsTracker
??? bleeding and revealed ItemLightBringerBleed
??? burning ItemLiteBurn
Madred's Razor stack counter ItemMadredsRazorCounter
Mercurial movespeed buff ItemMercurial
Some sort HP pot regen ItemMiniRegenPotion
Explorer Ward revealing area ItemMiniWard
Elesia's Essence? HP&mana regen ItemMiraclePermanentBlessing
Buff given by gromp? monster is burning ItemMonsterBurn
Buff given by gromp? regenerating hp&mana while under attack ItemMonsterRegen
Phage speed by attacking minions ItemPhageMiniSpeed
Phage speed by attacking champs ItemPhageSpeed
Pickpocket? cooldown ItemPickpocket
Scavenging smite speed buff for stealing enemy buff ItemPoachersKnifeSpeed
Burning? ItemPrimalFlareBurn
Aegis of the Legion aura on allies ItemRunicAegisFriend
Aegis of the Legion aura on self ItemRunicAegisSelf
Seraph's Embrace shield ItemSeraphsEmbrace
Challenging smite on target reveal and true damage on hit ItemSmiteChallenge
Devastating Smite? showing damage to champions? ItemSmitePlayerStack
Devastating Smite? can be cast on champs ItemSmitePlayerStacked
Smite? shield ItemSmiteShield
Chiling Smite slow on target ItemSmiteSlow
Spectre's Cowl HP regen ItemSpectreCowlRegen
??? next monster kill will grant gold ItemSpiritGold
Statikk Shiv stack counter ItemStatikkShank
Same as above ItemStatikShank
Same as above again ItemStatikShankCharge
Ohmwrecker movespeed given near turrets ItemVoidSpeed
Wraith's Collar? slow and reveal debuff ItemWraithCollar
Same as above ItemWraithCollarCS
Wriggle's Lantern upgrade to Feral Flare counter ItemWrigglesLanternCounter
Shaco trap buff Jack_In_The_Box
Janna E attack damage buff JannaEoTSBuff
Jarvan IV R in air JarvanIVCataclysm
Jarvan IV E passive and flag aura attackspeed buff JarvanIVDemacianStandard
Jarvan IV Q armor debuff JarvanIVDragonStrikeDebuff
Jarvan IV Q knockup JarvanIVDragonStrikePH2
Jarvan IV W shield JarvanIVGoldenAegis
Jarvan IV Passive desc JarvanIVMartialCadence
Jarvan IV Passive cooldown on target JarvanIVMartialCadenceCheck
Jarvan IV Q armor debuff JarvanIVStrikeThroughDebuff
Jax R active armor and MR JaxDuelist
Jax E dodge buff JaxEvasion
Jax Passive desc JaxPassive
Same as above JaxRelentlessAssault
Jax Passive counter JaxRelentlessAssaultAS
Jax R passive bonus magic dmg on next atk JaxRelentlessAttack
Jayce E gate speed on ally JayceAccelerationGate
Jayce W attackspeed buff JayceHyperCharge
Jayce R magic dmg on next atk JaycePassiveMeleeAttack
Jayce R armor&MR reduce on next atk JaycePassiveRangedAttack
Jayce R armor&MR debuff on target JaycePassiveShred
Jayce is ranged JayceStanceGun
Jayce is melee JayceStanceHammer
Jayce W AoE damage JayceStaticField
Added on Caitlyn as she gets taunted by Jinx, last until C. dies or damages J. JinxCaitAgitate
Added on Jinx permnt. if there is Cait/Vi as enem(ies). JinxCatchMe
Added on Cait/Vi permnt. if there is Jinx as enemy. JinxCatchMeEnemy
Jinx E burn debuff `JinxEFireBurn``
Jinx E on mine (probable timer) JinxEMine
Jinx E snare JinxEMineSnare
Jinx Passive movespeed buff JinxPassiveKill
Jinx Passive description (or counter on enemy?) JinxPassiveMarker
Jinx Q wielding the rocket launcher JinxQ
Jinx Q wielding the minigun JinxQIcon
Jinx Q minigun attackspeed buff JinxQRamp
Jinx W target on hit JinxWSight
Kayle W movespeed buff JudicatorDivineBlessing
Kayle passive desc JudicatorHolyFervor
Kayle passive armor&MR debuff JudicatorHolyFervorDebuff
Kayle R on target JudicatorIntervention
Kayle Q slow JudicatorIntervention
Kayle E range buff JudicatorRighteousFury
Kalista passive description on tied ally KalistaCoopStrikeAlly
Kalista tied ally pulled by R KalistaCoopStrikeProtect
Kalista tie description on self KalistaCoopStrikeSelf
Kalista E buff somehow on self KalistaExpunge
Kalista E stack counter on enemy KalistaExpungeMarker
Kalista passive desc KalistaPassive
Same as above KalistaPassiveBuff
Same as above KalistaPassiveCoopStrike
Kalista tied ally is in range KalistaPassiveOn
Kalista R knockup on enemy KalistaRAllyStun
Kalista R on tied ally, ready to cast KalistaRInvuln
Kalista R on self, says ally is waiting to do stuff KalistaRx
Kalista W reveal buff KalistaWSight
Karma R is active KarmaMantra
Karma R is off CD KarmaMantraCharge
Karma R is active KarmaMantraEnergized
Karma R is on CD KarmaMantraRefresh
Karma RE speed buff KarmaMantraSBHaste
Karma RE (???) slow KarmaMantraSBSlow
Karma Passive desc KarmaPassive
🤔 KarmaQ
Karma Q slow KarmaQMissile
Karma RQ slow KarmaQMissileMantra
Karma E shield KarmaSolKimShield
Karma W bind on target KarmaSpiritBind
Karma W root KarmaSpiritBindRoot
Karthus E is on KarthusDefile
Karthus R on target timer KarthusFallenOne
Katarina Q mark KatarinaDaggered
Katarina W speedbuff KatarinaWHaste
Kennen W passive counter KennenDoubleStrikeCounter
Kennen W passive ready KennenDoubleStrikeIndicator
Kennen W passive ready KennenDoubleStrikeLive
Kennen W passive ready KennenDoubleStrikeProc
Kennen E speed and dmg buff KennenLightningRush
Kennen E armor&MR buff KennenLightningRushBuff
Kennen next attack on him deals dmg&mark? KennenLightningShield
Kennen next attack deals dmg&mark KennenLightningShieldActive
Kennen Passive mark counter on target KennenMarkOfStorm
Kennen stun reducer KennenMoSDiminish
Kennen R active KennenShurikenStorm
Kha'Zix E evolution desc KhazixEEvo
Kha'Zix x Rengar event buff on Kha'Zix KhazixHunt
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Kha'Zix lost KhazixHuntDefeatK
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Rengar lost KhazixHuntDefeatR
Kha'Zix x Rengar event buff on Rengar KhazixHuntEnemy
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Kha'Zix won & evolve KhazixHuntVictoryK
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Rengar won & full stack KhazixHuntVictoryR
Kha'Zix Passive desc KhazixPassive
Kha'Zix Passive is ready KhazixPDamage
Kha'Zix Q Isolated mark on targets KhazixQDR
Kha'Zix Q evolution desc KhazixQEvo
Kha'Zix R stack counter KhazixR
Kha'Zix R evolution desc KhazixREvo
Kha'Zix R stealth buff KhazixRStealth
Kha'Zix W evolution desc KhazixWEvo
Kha'Zix Evo'd W sight KhazixWSight
Kog'Maw W buff KogMawBioArcaneBarrage
Kog'Maw Q passive KogMawCausticSpittle
Kog'Maw Q debuff on target KogMawCausticSpittleCharged
Kog'Maw Passive description KogMawIcathianDisplay
Kog'Maw Passive activated KogMawIcathianSurprise
Kog'Maw Passive on target ("RUN!!") KogMawIcathianSurpriseSound
Kog'Maw R stack counter KogMawLivingArtillery
Kog'Maw R sight on target KogMawLivingArtillerySight
Kog'Maw E slow KogMawVoidOoze
Malphite E attack speed debuff LandslideDebuff
Reduced physical and magic damage that I doubt is from Last Whisper Last_Whisper
LeBlanc can cast W to tp to yellow marker LeblancDisplacement
LeBlanc can cast R to tp to purple marker LeblancDisplacementM
LeBlanc Q mark LeblancMarkOfSilence
LeBlanc mimic'd Q mark LeblancMarkOfSilenceM
LeBlanc passive desc? LeblancPassive
LeBlanc passive on cd LeblancPassiveCooldown
LeBlanc E root LeblancShackle
LeBlanc E chain on target LeblancShackleBeam
LeBlanc mimic'd E chain on target LeblancShackleBeamM
LeBlanc mimic'd E root LeblancShackleM
Leona Q aa modifier LeonaShieldOfDaybreak
Leona W armor&mr buff on self LeonaSolarBarrier
Leona passive mark on target LeonaSunlight
Leona passive desc LeonaSunlightPassive
Leona E root LeonaZenithBladeRoot
Leviathan stacks LeviathanCap
Lich Bane next aa modifier LichBane
Wraith lifestealing attack Lifesteal_Attack
Ionic Spark stack counter LightningRodCounter
Ionic Spark ready LightningRodReady
🤔 Lightslicer
Lissandra can tp to her E LissandraE
Lissandra passive desc LissandraPassive
Lissandra passive ready LissandraPassiveReady
Lissandra Q slow LissandraQ
Lissandra R stun LissandraR
Lissandra R invulnerable&untargetable LissandraRSelf
Lissandra R slow LissandraRSlow
Lissandra W root LissandraW
Lucian passive desc LucianPassive
Lucian passive ready LucianPassiveBuff
🤔 has the passive desc LucianQ
Lucian R is being channeled LucianR
Lucian W movespeed buff LucianWBuff
Lucian W mark on target LucianWDebuff
Same as LucianWBuff LucianWSelfBuff
Lulu E reveal on enemy LuluEBurn
Lulu E shield on ally LuluEShield
Lulu passive desc LuluPassive
Lulu Q slow LuluQSlow
Lulu R on target LuluR
Lulu W movespeed buff LuluWBuff
Lulu W polymorph on enemy LuluWDebuff