- spring-boot-starter-web: Spring Boot components for building web applications
- kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: Kotlin SDK for DTOs
- kotlin-reflect: runtime API for Kotlin reflection
- jackson-module-kotlin: serialization/deserialization of Kotlin
- spring-boot-devtools: additional development tools
- spring-boot-starter-test: Spring Boot components for running application tests
- okhttp: HTTP client
- logging-interceptor: OkHttp's logger
- json: library for working with JSON
- maven-compiler-plugin: Apache Maven plugin
- java-jwt: library for generation and verification of JSON Web Tokens
- mysql-connector-java: library for working with MySQL database
- javax.servlet-api: API for Java servlets
- springdoc-openapi-ui: visual API documentation
- unirest-java: lightweight HTTP client library
- spring-boot-starter-mail: email sending library
- thymeleaf-layout-dialect: template builder for emails
- contracts: directory with Solidity smart contracts
- src/main: Java source code
- java/com/liv/cryptomodule: application codebase
- controllers: REST API controllers
- dto: Data Transfer Objects
- exception: exception classes
- payload: classes that implement payload
- property: properties for file storage
- service: Spring services that implement email and file related features
- util: utility classes for connectivity and configurations
- resources/META-INF: application auto-configuration
- java/com/liv/cryptomodule: application codebase
Open the terminal and clone the repository:
Before running the aplication, you need to complete the configuration files application.properties
and config.properties
according to the comments in them
When configuration files are complete, open the terminal, go to the project folder and run
mvn spring-boot:run
If everything went well you should see the following message:
Started CryptoModuleApplication in 1.74 seconds (JVM running for 3.208)