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TCEC (Top Chess Engine Championship) is a computer chess tournament organized and maintained by Chessdom at This page documents Leela configuration in each of the "seasons" of this tournament.

Season 26

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.31-dag-5350a2e BT4-6147500 2/2 43.0/100
DivP v0.31-dag-5350a2e BT4-6147500 2/8 36.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                 :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20240513-e608eab8        :      49     49    97.5   31   52   17     100      52.0
   2 LCZero 0.31-dag-5350a2e-BT4-6147500    :       0   ----     ---   17   52   31     100      52.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),(gpu=1,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner)
    • MinibatchSize=160
    • CPuct=2.897
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.984
    • PolicyTemperature=1.4
    • UseUncertaintyWeighting=true
    • UncertaintyWeightingCap=1.03
    • UncertaintyWeightingCoefficient=0.13
    • UncertaintyWeightingExponent=-1.76
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4,first-move-bonus=3.5)
    • Contempt=0
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.64
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.55
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3600
    • MoveRuleBucketing=true
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 25

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.31-dag-e429eeb BT3-2790000 2/2 48.0/100
DivP Playoff v0.31-dag-5107404 T2-5230000 1/4 14.5/24
DivP v0.31-dag-5107404 T2-5230000 2/8 53.5/84

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                 :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20231010-00263636        :      14     49    71.3   27   50   23     100      50.0
   2 LCZero 0.31-dag-e429eeb-BT3-2790000    :       0   ----     ---   23   50   27     100      50.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),(gpu=1,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),multi_stream=true,threads=2
    • MinibatchSize=216
    • CPuct=2.897
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.984
    • PolicyTemperature=1.4
    • UncertaintyWeightingCap=1.03
    • UncertaintyWeightingCoefficient=0.13
    • UncertaintyWeightingExponent=-0.88
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4)
    • Contempt=0
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.61
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.6
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3392
    • MoveRuleBucketing=true
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 24

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.30-dag-a9b25c2b BT2-3650000 2/2 48.0/100
DivP Playoff v0.30-dag-8092b376 BT2-3650000 2/4 14.0/24
DivP v0.30-dag-8092b376 BT2-3650000 2/8 37.0/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                  :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20230409-b36d39de         :      14     49    71.3   20   64   16     100      64.0
   2 LCZero 0.30-dag-a9b25c2b-BT2-3650000    :       0   ----     ---   16   64   20     100      64.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • MinibatchSize=216
    • CPuct=2.242
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.583
    • PolicyTemperature=1.406
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4)
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.58
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.6
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3600
    • RamLimitMb=94500
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),multi_stream=true,threads=2
    • Contempt=0
    • ScoreType=WDL_mu

Season 23

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.30-dag-9a9c42d 784968 2/2 41.5/100
DivP v0.30-dag-bord-lf 784968 2/8 35.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                            :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev16_20221027          :      60     42    99.7   27   63   10     100      63.0
   2 LCZero 0.30-dag-9a9c42d_784968    :       0   ----     ---   10   63   27     100      63.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • MinibatchSize=192
    • MaxPrefetch=37
    • CPuct=1.589
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.2643
    • PolicyTemperature=1.179
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 22

Division Executable Network Placement Result
DivP v0.29-dev+ 781561 3/8 34/56

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,multi_stream=true,threads=2,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MinibatchSize=384
    • MaxPrefetch=37
    • CPuct=1.939
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.3229
    • PolicyTemperature=1.156
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • TimeManager=legacy
    • RamLimitMb=96000

Season 21

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.28-dev+ 69626 2/2 44/100
DivP v0.28.0-rc1 69146 2/8 36.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                       :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 14_202107131735    :      42     35    99.1   19   74    7     100      74.0
   2 LCZero 0.28-dev+_69626       :       0   ----     ---    7   74   19     100      74.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MinibatchSize=896
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • SmartPruningQEffect=0.2
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.1
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0088
    • TimeManager=smooth(midpoint=45.2,steepness=5.93,init-tree-reuse=0.52,max-tree-reuse=0.73,tree-reuse-update-rate=3.39,nps-update-rate=7.82,init-timeuse=0.7,min-timeuse=0.34,timeuse-update-rate=5.51,max-move-budget=0.42,init-piggybank=0.09,per-move-piggybank=0.12,max-piggybank-use=0.94,max-piggybank-moves=36.5)
    • DrawScoreSideToMove=-11
    • DrawScoreOpponent=5
    • RamLimitMb=48000
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.02
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.002
    • RamLimitMb=96000
  • Removed for Superfinal:
    • TimeManager=smooth(nps-update-rate=7.82)
    • DrawScoreSideToMove=-11
    • DrawScoreOpponent=5

Season 20

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.27.0-dev PR1483 J94-100 2/2 47/100
DivP v0.26.3 66740 1/8 38/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                      :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 20210113                          :      21     33    89.6   14   78    8     100      78.0
   2 LCZero 0.27.0d-Tilps-dje-magic_JH.94-100    :       0   ----     ---    8   78   14     100      78.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • RootHasOwnCpuctParams=false
    • CPuct=1.745
    • CPuctBase=38739
    • FpuValue=0.330
    • CPuctFactor=3.894
    • PolicyTemperature=1.359
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.004
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0
    • TimeManager=legacy(steepness=4.0)
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • RamLimitMb=96000

Season 19

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.26.3-rc1 J92-190 2/2 45.5/100
DivP v0.26.2-rc1 J92-100 2/8 32.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                    :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 202009282242_nn-baeb9ef2d183    :      32     36    95.8   18   73    9     100      73.0
   2 LCZero v0.26.3-rc1_T60.SV.JH.92-190       :       0   ----     ---    9   73   18     100      73.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=600
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.862976
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0004
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.004
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0

Season 18

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.25.1 svjio-t60-3972-mlh 2/2 46.5/100
DivP v0.25.1 sv-t60-3010 2/8 24.5/42

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                               :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 202006170741               :      25     43    86.7   23   61   16     100      61.0
   2 LCZero v0.25.1-svjio-t60-3972-mlh    :       0   ----     ---   16   61   23     100      61.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=600
  • Added for Superfinal:
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.007
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0
    • MovesLeftConstantFactor=0.0

Season 17

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.24 sv-t60-3010 1/2 52.5/100
DivP v0.24 sv-t60-3010 1/10 22/36

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                      :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 LCZero v0.24-sv-t60-3010    :       0   ----    81.8   17   71   12     100      71.0
   2 Stockfish 20200407DC        :     -18     38     ---   12   71   17     100      71.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website:

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4 x NVIDIA RTX 2080 ti + 2x Intel Xeon E5-2630V4 2.2 GHz (20 cores / 40 ht)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=352
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • CPuct=2.147
    • CPuctAtRoot=2.147
    • CPuctBase=18368
    • FpuValue=0.443
    • CPuctFactor=2.815
    • PolicyTemperature=1.607
    • MaxCollisionEvents=160
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=160
  • Added for Superfinal:
    • MinibatchSize=176
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4

Season 13

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Div4 lc0 "v0.16.1" (b1301aa9) 10161 1st place 22.0/28
Div3 lc0 "v0.16.1" (b1301aa9) 10520 3rd place 16.0/28
  • Hardware: TCEC GPU server has 2x GTX 1080 ti. Full specs here
  • Command line: lc0 -w 10161 -t 4 --minibatch-size=512 --backend=multiplexing "--backend-opts=(backend=cudnn,gpu=0),(backend=cudnn,gpu=1)" --nncache=2000000 -l lc0debug.txt
  • UCI: Move time overhead in milliseconds=2000
    • Div3 added: Time weight curve peak ply=37; Aggressive smart pruning threshold=0.604; Scale thinking time=3.05;

TCEC "v0.16.1" binary from appveyor

TCEC S13 issues

Bonus games 7-10-2018

  • Net IDs: kb3 and id481
  • Hardware: TheAnswer volunteered 2x1080 ti via ssh access.
  • Command line: ./lc0 -w [kb3|id481] --backend=multiplexing '--backend-opts=a(backend=cudnn,threads=2,gpu=0),b(backend=cudnn,threads=2,gpu=1)' -t 4 (kb1 and default respectively with increased move overhead to help with latency).

Season 12

  • Versions
    • Div4: lczero v0.10, ID125 - +0 -25 =2 (and 1 win by forfeit)
  • Hardware: TCEC CPU server 2 x 8 core Intel Xeon E5-2689 @ 3300 MHz
  • Command line: lczero -w id125 ....?
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