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Project Structure

Meredith Espinosa edited this page Nov 13, 2021 · 3 revisions

GBS Toolkit splits a GB Studio project is split into many files and folders. This page documents the file structure of each folder, along which what content goes in each file.


- project.kdl
- backgrounds.kdl
- sprite-sheets.kdl
- music.kdl
- variables.kdl
- palettes.kdl
- custom-events
  - <custom event file>
- scenes
  - <scene folder>
    - meta.kdl
    - collisions.kdl
    - tile-colors.kdl
    - init.kdl
    - player-hit-1.kdl
    - player-hit-2.kdl
    - player-hit-3.kdl
    - actors
      - <actor folder>
        - meta.kdl
        - init.kdl
        - interact.kdl
        - update.kdl
        - hit-1.kdl
        - hit-2.kdl
        - hit-3.kdl
    - triggers
      - <trigger folder>
        - meta.kdl
        - interact.kdl

Script Files

Some files contain lists of events that will run when a certain condition is met. These are known as script files, and are crucial to making a GB Studio project function. Each event in a script file will include a command and arguments passed to that command. For a list of what commands are available, see Command Reference.


The main project metadata file for the project.


  • name: The name of the project.
  • author: The name of the project author/authors.
  • version: The version of GB Studio used for the project.
  • release: The build of the GB Studio version used for the project.
  • engineFieldValues: The engine field values for the project.
    • global: The section for engine-wide field values.
    • topDown: The section for field values in top-down scenes.
      • gridSize: The size of the tile grid: 8 or 16.
    • platformer: The section for field values in platformer scenes.
      • minVelocity: The minimum velocity the player will have while moving.
      • walkVelocity: The maximum velocity the player will have while walking.
      • runVelocity: The maximum velocity the player will have while running.
      • walkAcceleration: How quickly the player will accelerate while walking.
      • runAcceleration: How quickly the player will accelerate while running.
      • deceleration: How quickly the player will slow down.
      • jumpVelocity: How quickly the player will ascend while jumping.
      • gravity: How quickly the descension speed of a player will increase.
      • jumpGravity: How quickly the ascension speed of a jumping player will decrease.
      • terminalVelocity: The maximum vertical velocity the player will have while falling.
  • settings: The settings for this project.
    • startScene: The scene the game will launch into.
    • playerSpriteSheet: The sprite sheet to use for the player when the game launches.
    • startX: The X-coordinate the player will start at when the game launches.
    • startY: The Y-coordinate the player will start at when the game launches
    • startMoveSpeed: The movement speed the player will have when the game launches.
    • startAnimSpeed: The animation speed the player will have when the game launches.
    • customColorsEnabled: Whether Color Mode is activated.
    • customHead: The HTTP custom header for the game's web player.
    • defaultBackgroundPalettes: The default background palettes for each palette slot.
      • palette0: The ID of the palette for default palette 0.
      • palette1: The ID of the palette for default palette 1.
      • palette2: The ID of the palette for default palette 2.
      • palette3: The ID of the palette for default palette 3.
      • palette4: The ID of the palette for default palette 4.
      • palette5: The ID of the palette for default palette 5.
    • defaultSpritePalette: The default palette to use for sprites.
    • defaultUIPalette: The default palette to use for UI.
    • defaultPlayerPalette: The default palette to use for the player, or "" to use the default sprite palette.
    • customColors: The colors to use in the web build if Color Mode is not activated.
      • white: The color to use for the lightest color on the Game Boy screen.
      • light: The color to use for the second-lightest color on the Game Boy screen.
      • dark: The color to use for the second-darkest color on the Game Boy screen.
      • black: The color to use for the darkest color on the Game Boy screen.
    • cartType: The type of cartridge the game is meant to run on.
    • customControls: Custom keyboard controls for the web build.
      • up: Keys that will trigger an up input.
      • down: Keys that will trigger a down input.
      • left: Keys that will trigger a left input.
      • right: Keys that will trigger a right input.
      • a: Keys that will trigger an a input.
      • b: Keys that will trigger an b input.
      • start: Keys that will trigger a start input.
      • select: Keys that will trigger a select input.
    • __showCollisions: Whether the GB Studio editor will display collision boxes. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __showConnections: Whether the GB Studio editor will display flow links between scenes. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __worldScrollX: The X-coordinate scroll value of the GB Studio editor viewport. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __worldScrollY: The Y-coordinate scroll value of the GB Studio editor viewport. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __zoom: The zoom level of the GB Studio editor viewport. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __navigatorSplitSizes: The three sizes of the navigator panels of the GB Studio editor. Should not be hand-edited.
    • __showNavigator: Whether the navigator should be visible in the GB Studio editor. Should not be hand-edited.
  • notes: A set of notes about the project as a whole.


A file comprising the info for all the background images in the game.


  • <background name>: The name of this background, for use in scene meta.kdl files.
    • id: The UUID of this background.
    • width: How many tiles wide this background is.
    • height: How many tiles tall this background is.
    • imageWidth: How many pixels wide this background is.
    • imageHeight: How many pixels tall this background is.
    • filename: The filename of this background.
    • timestamp: The timestamp at which this file was last edited.


A file comprising the info for all the sprite sheets in the game.

Please keep in mind that this will be restructured in GB Studio V3.


  • <sprite sheet name>: The name of this sprite sheet, for use in scripts and actor meta.kdl files.
    • id: The UUID of this sprite sheet.
    • numFrames: How many frames of animation this sprite sheet has.
    • type: The type of sprite sheet this is: "static", "animated", "actor", or "actor_animated".
    • filename: The filename of this sprite sheet.
    • timestamp: The timestamp at which this file was last edited.


A file comprising the info for all the songs in the game.


  • <song name>: The name of this song, for use in scripts.
    • id: The UUID of this song.
    • filename: The filename of this song.
    • timestamp: The timestamp at which this file was last edited.


A file storing all the names of the variables in GB Studio, in the format of `$$ ""


A file comprising the info for all the color palettes in the game.


  • <palette name>: The name of this palette, for use in scripts and actor meta.kdl files.
    • id: The UUID or keyword name of this palette.
    • name: The non-sanitized version of the palette name, for display in GB Studio.
    • colors: The hex values for each color in the palette.
      • white: The hex value for the lightest color in the palette.
      • light: The hex value for the second-lightest color in the palette.
      • dark: The hex value for the second-darkest color in the palette.
      • black: The hex value for the darkest color in the palette.
    • defaultName: The default name of this palette, if it is based off a default palette. Should not be hand-edited.
    • defaultColors: The default colors of this palette, if it is based off a default palette. Should not be hand-edited.

Custom Event <name>.kdl

A custom event that can be called from other event scripts.


  • id: The UUID of this custom event.
  • name: The non-sanitized version of the custom event name, for display in GB Studio.
  • description: The description of what this custom event does.
  • __index: The positional index of this custom event in the .gbsproj file. Should not be edited by hand.
  • variables: The names of the custom variables used in this script, for display in GB Studio.
  • actors: The names of the custom actors used in this script, for display in GB Studio.
  • script: The script for this custom event, formatted like a script file.

Scene meta.kdl

A file comprising all the metadata information for a scene.


  • id: The UUID of this scene.
  • name: The non-sanitized version of the scene name, for display in GB Studio.
  • type: The type of scene this is: 0 for top-down, 1 for platformer, 2 for adventure, 3 for shoot-em-up, and 4 for point-and-click. This value will be different in GB Studio version 3. Please keep this in mind.
  • background: The name of the background image for this scene.
  • x: The X coordinate for this scene's position in GB Studio. Should not be hand-edited.
  • y: The Y coordinate for this scene's position in GB Studio. Should not be hand-edited.
  • width: How many tiles wide this scene is.
  • height: How many tile tall this scene is.
  • __index: The positional index of this scene in the .gbsproj file. Should not be hand-edited.
  • palettes: The IDs of the palettes to use in this scene.
    • palette0: The ID of the palette for default palette 0.
    • palette1: The ID of the palette for palette 1.
    • palette2: The ID of the palette for palette 2.
    • palette3: The ID of the palette for palette 3.
    • palette4: The ID of the palette for palette 4.
    • palette5: The ID of the palette for palette 5.
  • notes: A set of notes about this scene.
  • labelColor: The color of the label this project will have in GB Studio. Should not be hand-edited.

Scene collisions.kdl

A file containing collision information for the scene. Each node is one of six types:

  • all <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) has collision on all sides.
  • up <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) has collision from the top only.
  • down <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) has collision on the bottom only.
  • left <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) has collision on the left only.
  • right <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) has collision on the right only.
  • ladder <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) can be climbed like a ladder. Can be combined with any other collision type.

All tiles which do not have a specific node pointing to them will be assumed to have no collision.

Scene tile-colors.kdl

A file containing palette information for the scene. Each node is one of six types:

  • palette1 <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) uses palette 1.
  • palette2 <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) uses palette 2.
  • palette3 <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) uses palette 3.
  • palette4 <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) uses palette 4.
  • palette5 <X> <Y>: The tile at (X, Y) uses palette 5.

All tiles which do not have a specific node pointing to them will be assumed to use palette 0.

Scene init.kdl

A script file run whenever the scene is entered.

Scene player-hit-1.kdl

A script file run whenever the player is hit by something in collision group 1.

Scene player-hit-2.kdl

A script file run whenever the player is hit by something in collision group 2.

Scene player-hit-3.kdl

A script file run whenever the player is hit by something in collision group 3.

Actor meta.kdl

A file comprising all the metadata information for an actor.


  • id: The UUID of this actor.
  • name: The non-sanitized version of the actor name, for use in GB Studio.
  • spriteSheet: The name of the sprite sheet this actor will start on whenever the scene is entered.
  • spriteType: The type of this actor, either "static", or "actor".
  • startFrame: The animation frame this actor will start on whenever the scene is entered.
  • x: The X-coordinate this actor will start on whenever the scene is entered.
  • y: The Y-coordinate this actor will start on whenever the scene is entered.
  • movementType: The type of movement this actor will naturally have, either "static", "randomWalk", or "faceInteraction".
  • direction: The direction this actor will face whenever the scene is entered.
  • moveSpeed: How quickly this actor will move whenever the scene is entered.
  • animSpeed: How quickly this actor will animate whenever the scene is entered.
  • collisionGroup: The collision group this actor belongs to, either 1, 2, or 3.
  • __index: The positional index of this actor in the .gbsproj file. Should not be hand-edited.
  • notes: A set of notes about this actor.

Actor init.kdl

A script file run whenever the scene this actor is in is entered.

Actor interact.kdl

A script file run whenever the player interacts with this actor.

Actor update.kdl

A script file run once per frame while the actor is loaded.

Actor hit-1.kdl

A script file run whenever this actor his hit by something in collision group 1.

Actor hit-2.kdl

A script file run whenever this actor his hit by something in collision group 2.

Actor hit-3.kdl

A script file run whenever this actor his hit by something in collision group 3.

Trigger meta.kdl

A file comprising all the metadata information for a trigger.


  • id: The UUID of this trigger.
  • name: The non-sanitized version of the trigger name, for use in GB Studio.
  • x: The X-coordinate this trigger will be placed at.
  • y: The Y-coordinate this trigger will be placed at.
  • width: How many tiles wide this trigger is.
  • height: How many tiles tall this trigger is.
  • __index: The positional index of this trigger in the .gbsproj file. Should not be hand-edited.
  • notes: A set of notes about this trigger.

Trigger interact.kdl

A script file run whenever this trigger is stepped on.