Global package installs
Install Bower and Gulp globally (if you haven't already in root directory) 1.) npm install bower -g 2.) npm install gulp -g
Local package installs
In this root directory of the app's project folder 'lcastaneda' install bower. You will be prompted to answer a bunch of questions about your bower.json file. Just hit enter after each and accept all the defaults. You should now see a bower.json file in your root directory.
3.) bower init
Since the repository already has all the dependencies in the bower_components folder you shouldn't have to install these dependencies:
bower install angular --save bower install bootstrap --save bower install jquery --save bower install lodash --save bower install angular-toastr --save
Create a package.json file:
npm init
You will be prompted to answer a bunch of questions about your package.json file. Just hit enter after each and accept all the defaults. Next, install gulp locally:
npm install gulp --save
Check your gulp installs: gulp -v
You should see two installs, one local and one CLI: [11:11:16] CLI version 3.9.1 [11:11:16] Local version 3.9.1
Install the following: npm install gulp-livereload --save npm install wiredep --save npm install gulp-util --save npm install gulp-connect --save npm install gulp-inject --save npm install gulp-open --save
If all goes well, your package.json should have entries for all your locally installed packages
The gulpfile.js content is specific for Mac. If you are running on Windows, change the following line on gulpfile.js from: app: 'Google Chrome'
app: 'chrome'