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Kafka Connect Tile38 Sink Connector


Kafka Connect Tile 38 Sink is a Kafka Connector that translates record data into Redis SET and DEL commands that are executed against Tile38. Only sinking data is supported. Check out Tile38! For streaming (back) into Kafka a webhook is available. This connector supports at least once semantics.

Record Formats and Structures

The following record formats are supported:

  • Plain JSON
  • JSON with Schema
  • Avro
  • Protobuf


Note that the Sink instance can be configured to monitor multiple topics. Just evaluate the property topics with a list of topic separated by comma. For example:

  "name": "tile38-sink",
  "config": {
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "connector.class": "guru.bonacci.kafka.connect.tile38.Tile38SinkConnector",
    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
    "topics": "fooTopic,barTopic",
    "tile38.topic.fooTopic": "<YOUR_COMMAND_HERE>",
    "tile38.topic.barTopic": "<YOUR_COMMAND_HERE>",
    "": "tile38",
    "tile38.port": 9851

Each topic configured within the topics property is required to have a corresponding command defined, following the pattern tile38.topic..


Communication with Tile38 happens through the Redis protocol. Based on each Kafka message that passes the Tile38 Sink Connector generates a SET command. The command pattern is:

SET key id [FIELD name value ...] [EX seconds] [NX|XX] (OBJECT geojson)|(POINT lat lon [z])|(BOUNDS minlat minlon maxlat maxlon)|(HASH geohash)|(STRING value)

This command can be made variable - or record specific - by using tokens of the format, where my-field is the name of a Kafka field in the topic for which this command is specified. The value of Kafka record field my-field substitutes

A few examples of syntactically correct commands:

fleet truck1 POINT 33.5123 -112.2693
fleet POINT 33.5123 -112.2693
fleet POINT
fleet FIELD speed event.speed POINT event.latitude event.latitude
props event.identifier BOUNDS event.southwestlatitude, event.southwestlongitude, event.northeastlatitude, event.northeastlongitude 

Specified event fields that do not match any topic value field name result in invalid commands. This will cause runtime errors. A few hints:

  • Referring to nested fields is possible using the dot notation, as in
  • Only value fields are permitted.
  • Using anything other than a SET command is not supported at this stage.


Expire functionality is available. The unit is seconds. How to use it: foo FIELD route event.route POINT event.lon

Tombstone messages

Tombstone messages are supported. They compile into DEL commands.

Single Message Transformer on ID field

The ID field (of the SET command) is restrictive. If you're using a Kafka record field of which the string value may consist of multiple words - or, from another perspective, contains spaces - you can use the following single message transformer to remove white spaces before sinking to Tile38:

  "transforms": "RemoveSpaces",


Connector Properties

Name Description Type Default Importance Example Tile38 server host string localhost high localhost
tile38.port Tile38 server host port number int 9851 high 9851
topics Kafka topics read by the connector comma-separated string high foo,bar Used for periodic flushing int 10000 low 1234
behavior.on.error Error handling behavior string FAIL medium LOG or FAIL
tile38.password Tile38's password string "" low foo123 Example command for 'foo' topic string low SET foo FIELD route event.route POINT event.lon Expire time for elements from 'foo' topic int low 5 Example command for 'bar' topic string low SET anything event.the_key POINT event.latitude event.longitude
and a few boring connection settings Use TCP-no-delay boolean false low
socket.keep.alive.enabled Enable keepalive boolean false low Wait ms before socket timeout long 10000 low
request.queue.size Max number of queued requests int 2147483647 low
auto.reconnect.enabled Redis client automatic reconnect boolean true low

Build and run info

  • Build: 'mvn clean package'

  • Launch 'docker-compose up -d'

  • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @config/connector-source-stations.json http://localhost:8083/connectors | jq

  • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @config/connector-source-trains.json http://localhost:8083/connectors | jq

  • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @config/connector-sink.json http://localhost:8083/connectors | jq

  • Kafka topic: 'stations' and 'trains'

  • At last: docker run --net=host -it tile38/tile38 tile38-cli

  • Run 'auth foo123'

  • Then run 'scan station' and/or 'scan train'

  • curl localhost:8083/connectors | jq

  • curl -X DELETE -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/tile38-sink | jq