This is a tool to visualize search algorithms
- Breadth First Search
- Deapth First Search
- Gready Best First Search
- A* Search
- Move the starting node
- Move the target node
- Place a wall
- Erase a wall
- Allow Diagonial moves
- Adjust Grid size
- Adjust Delay
- Choose Algorithm
- Generate random maze
- Reset the whole grid
- Reset only the path
- Pause/Resume the proccess
- Starting node: Drag and move around with left click
- Target node: Drag and move around with left click
- Place wall: Drag or press empty cells with left click
- Erase wall: Drag or press wall cells with right click
- Generate maze: Press the generate button
- Reset grid: You can reset the grid anytime
- Reset path: You can only reset the path when the algorithm is done
- Pause/Resume: press space to pause or resume the proccess
- Visualize: Press the visualize button
git clone
cd Path-Finding-Visualizer
- 1st way: Run the Path Finding Visualizer.jar
- 2nd way: Run from source code via