Decentralized application manages instructions to transfer securities between members of NSD. See Functional Specification Google Doc.
Real world deployment scenario with members deploying their CA server, peer, api and web servers as docker instances on one host. Members' host servers connect to each other over internet.
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install docker docker-compose git jq enca
On other Linux distros make sure these versions or higher are installed:
- docker-compose version 1.8.0
- Docker version 1.12.6
Add yourself to the group and re-login to be able to run docker.
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
Each member clones the repository to download source code:
git clone
cd nsd-commercial-paper
(optional) Each member can pull docker images in advance in order to follow the next steps in private network (without access to docker hub):
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ca:x86_64-1.0.0
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-orderer:x86_64-1.0.0
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64-1.0.0
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0
docker pull maxxx1313/fabric-rest
docker pull nginx
docker pull node:6-alpine
Then each member generates artifacts. Pass organization name with -o
You can pass ports as args
, -w
, -c
, -0
, -1
, -2
, -3
for the api, web, ca and peer ports. If omitted, default ones are used.
These commands create docker-compose files with default mapped ports that don't have to be different for each member
as they run on separate hosts: 4000 8080 7054 7051 7053 7056 7058
Note the members' IP addresses need to be exported into env variables before invoking generate
: they will end up in
config files:
- IP1 nsd
- IP2 megafon
- IP3 raiffeisen
export IP1= IP2= IP3=
./ -m generate-peer -o nsd
export IP1= IP2= IP3=
./ -m generate-peer -o megafon
export IP1= IP2= IP3=
./ -m generate-peer -o raiffeisen
Each member has generated their crypto material and is now serving their cert files to be gathered during the orderer's generation process on depository host nsd.
Depository creates ledger and channel config files:
./ -m generate-orderer && sleep 7m
docker exec bash -c "cat /etc/hosts |grep -v orderer >/etc/hosts"
docker exec bash -c "cat /etc/hosts |grep -v orderer >/etc/hosts"
After all generation is done and over you can start the orderer and the depository peers on depository host nsd. This command creates and joins channels, installs and instantiates chaincodes on nsd peers.
Initialization values for accounts, balances and securities are passed by nsd as env variables before starting the depository node:
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='{"Args":["init","[{\"organization\":\"\",\"deponent\":\"CA9861913023\",\"balances\":[{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"19000000000000000\"},{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"22000000000000000\"}]},{\"organization\":\"\",\"deponent\":\"DE000DB7HWY7\",\"balances\":[{\"account\":\"RBIOWNER0ACC\",\"division\":\"00000000000000000\"}]}]"]}'
export BOOK_INIT='{"Args":["init","[{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"19000000000000000\",\"security\":\"RU0DLTMFONCB\",\"quantity\":\"7000000\"}]"]}'
export SECURITY_INIT='{"Args":["init","RU0DLTMFONCB","active","MFONISSUEACC","22000000000000000"]}'
./ -m up-depository
Now the orderer has created channels, nsd peers instantiated chaincodes and other members can join channels by
downloading channel .block
Each member starts the ca server, peers and api servers:
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='...exactly the same as for nsd...'
./ -m up-2
Which is equivalent to starting with an explicit organization name and all possible bilateral channels with other members:
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='...exactly the same as for nsd...'
./ -m up -o megafon -k "megafon-raiffeisen"
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='...exactly the same as for nsd...'
./ -m up-3
You can tail the logs by passing your organization with -o
./ -m logs -o raiffeisen
Note these are test nodes on AWS and API and web ports 4000 are to be open within each member's intranet only.
Bring down all three nodes: at NSD, Megafon, Raiffeisen do:
./ -m down
Start NSD node with init args exported as env variables:
- INSTRUCTION_INIT accounts/divisions of member organizations
- BOOK_INIT initial balances
- SECURITY_INIT security id and account/division where amounts move to at redemption
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='{"Args":["init","[{\"organization\":\"\",\"deponent\":\"CA9861913023\",\"balances\":[{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"19000000000000000\"},{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"22000000000000000\"}]},{\"organization\":\"\",\"deponent\":\"DE000DB7HWY7\",\"balances\":[{\"account\":\"RBIOWNER0ACC\",\"division\":\"00000000000000000\"}]}]"]}'
export BOOK_INIT='{"Args":["init","[{\"account\":\"MFONISSUEACC\",\"division\":\"19000000000000000\",\"security\":\"RU0DLTMFONCB\",\"quantity\":\"7000000\"}]"]}'
export SECURITY_INIT='{"Args":["init","RU0DLTMFONCB","active","MFONISSUEACC","22000000000000000"]}'
./ -m up-depository
After NSD node is up start other nodes in sequence:
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='...exactly the same as for nsd...'
./ -m up-2
export INSTRUCTION_INIT='...exactly the same as for nsd...'
./ -m up-3
Use docker instances to support chaincode development and debugging in an IDE.
Chaincode name, path and version are currently hardcoded in to book
, chaincode/go/book
, 0
Feel free to improve the script to accept parameters or simply edit it locally with your own chaincode parameters.
Start dev network of orderer, peer and cli with pre-generated genesis block, channel config transaction and identities in dev-msp:
./ -m devup
Start chaincode in your IDE's debugger with env variables
You should see your chaincode connect to the dev peer.
Now install and instantiate the chaincode on your dev peer:
./ -m devinit
Invoke and query the chaincode with payload hardcoded in
./ -m devinvoke
Watch the logs and shutdown:
./ -m devlogs
./ -m devdown
Use docker instances to support four members on a local host.
Generate crypto material, genesis block, config transactions and start a network for a consortium of four organizations:
- depository nsd
- member a issuer
- member b investor
- member c investor
Each organization starts several docker instances:
- certificate authority fabric-ca
- peer 0
- peer 1
- api server fabric-rest
Following channels are created, peers join them and chaincodes are installed and instantiated:
- common (members: nsd, a, b, c; chaincodes: security)
- depository (members: nsd; chaincodes: book)
- a-b (members: nsd, a, b; chaincodes: instruction)
- a-c (members: nsd, a, c; chaincodes: instruction)
- b-c (members: nsd, b, c; chaincodes: instruction)
- nsd-a (members: nsd, a; chaincodes: position)
- nsd-b (members: nsd, b; chaincodes: position)
- nsd-c (members: nsd, c; chaincodes: position)
Generate artifacts for the network and network-config file for the API server:
./ -m generate
Note you'll need to wait about 7 minutes until the timing of the generated certs lines up. Needed temporarily until the issue is resolved. This may come handy if you need to regenerate frequently:
./ -m generate && sleep 7m && beep && ./ -m up
Start the network, watch the logs, shutdown.
./ -m up
./ -m logs -o nsd
./ -m logs -o a
./ -m logs -o b
./ -m down
Navigate to web interfaces of respective organizations at ports 4000-4003:
Use to test artifacts generation and certificate exchange. Clone repo into separate directories imitating separate
host servers. Docker instances still operate within ledger_default
network on the developer's host machine.
Clone repo and copy into 4 folders representing host machines for orderer and depository and for each member:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
git clone
mv nsd-commercial-paper nsd
cp -r nsd a
cp -r nsd b
cp -r nsd c
Generate artifacts for the depository and each member.
cd nsd
./ -m generate-1
cd ../a
./ -m generate-2
cd ../b
./ -m generate-3
cd ../c
./ -m generate-4
These will create docker-compose files for four orgs nsd, a, b, c with sets of mapped ports that don't conflict with each other on one host:
- 4000 8080 7054 7051 7053 7056 7058
- 4001 8081 8054 8051 8053 8056 8058
- 4002 8082 9054 9051 9053 9056 9058
- 4003 8083 10054 10051 10053 10056 10058
Also each member has generated their crypto material. The orderer can gather member certificates and use them to generate
genesis block files artifacts/*.block
and channel config transaction files artifacts/channel/*.tx
. The script will
download cert files from members a
, b
, c
www servers into the folder nsd
shared by depository nsd
and the orderer.
cd ../nsd
./ -m generate-orderer && sleep 7m
Note the sleep
above: generated certificates have their start time off so we need to wait at least 7 minutes before
starting up.
Start the orderer and the depository peers: nsd. Will create and join channels, install and instantiate chaincodes on nsd peers:
./ -m up-depository
Ignore WARNING: Found orphan containers
Open terminal windows and start member instances. The script will download cert files from each member,
channel block files received at creation of channels in the previous step and network-config from nsd www server
into its own artifacts
Will start the ca server, peers and api server and tail their logs.
cd tmp/a
./ -m up-2
cd tmp/b
./ -m up-3
cd tmp/c
./ -m up-4