Apollo is a wrapper for Firebase calls using RxJava and LiveData streams. This library is idea for those who want to unify their network layer under the same async request/response paradigm.
Right now the library provides callbacks only for the Authentication methods.
To initialize the wrapper you simply add the initialization to your application class:
class ApolloSampleApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
To use it you simply call the getInstance() method just like firebase to create an object of the desired class and then you can call the normal firebase auth methods:
val rxAuth = RxApolloAuth.getInstance()
//result ok
}, {
//result error
To use the LiveData instance you simply do (you need to setup the lifecycle owner as well):
val liveAuth = LiveApolloAuth.getInstance()
liveAuth.signInAnonymously().observe(this, Observer {
As this library is still in development there's no gradle integration yet. You can simply clone this repository and add it as a module to your project.
This library was highly inspired by the work of Nickolay Moskalenko