The issue is resolved! The comma team found some bandwidth to address the issue.
The comma team has addressed the issue with an upstreamable implementation that was merged in. Instead of a cruising speed factor, a wheel speed factor was used instead and a differing one was added for the RX TSS2.
Please see the openpilot issue #2106: Low-gear/high-RPM on highways with openpilot longitudinal control for more information.
A fix with this new wheel speed factor value for the pre-TSS2 RX's was merged as well!
No more builds will be built out of this repository. If you are running this, you should move off back to the "upstream" branches, be it a fork or comma's.
The old readme follows below
This is a repository to store and continually generate slightly modified forks that can't be upstreamed and are minorly tweaked for Lexus RX openpilot users.
- openpilot issue #2106: Low-gear/high-RPM on highways with openpilot longitudinal control
- openpilot is most useful on highways and it is ironic that it is crippled with low fuel mileage.
- The comma team does not seem willing to split out the DBC for Toyota vehicles so a different scaling value for cruising speed can be used.
- A proposal to have different scaling values for models of vehicles in the codebase while preserving the DBC scaling was not received well and called a "hack".
- No one has or is currently willing to put in the work to try to figure out another "proper" alternative to stop this gearing issue.
- The comma.ai OP team was not going to address this for any vehicles pre-TSS2 vehicles such as those using SDSUs. If a solution was only usable on TSS2, it might not be backported.
- Hack vCruise in controlsd.py to scale by 0.974 as soon as possible before passing onto rest of openpilot.
Pre-patched versions of these forks are available at this repository underneath these branches. These are continuously synced daily.
- Comma.ai Branches (see this link for description):
- "
" (Latest Prebuilt Stable Version for Comma 2)- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
" (Latest Prebuilt Stable Version for Comma 3)- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
"- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
"- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
"- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
"- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
"- Generated:
- Generated:
- "
- Shane
- SA-master (based on OP 0.8.7)
- Generated:
- Generated:
- SA-master (based on OP 0.8.7)
More forks/branches can be tracked upon request!
Please see this wiki entry and consider this repository as another fork:
If you are not familiar with SSH or Git, you are recommended to use Shane's Fork Installer. Uninstall openpilot to see the installation setup again.
Shane's Fork Installer Example Custom Software Installer URLs:
- https://smiskol.com/fork/LexusRXopenpilotUG/commaai_release2
- https://smiskol.com/fork/LexusRXopenpilotUG/commaai_release3
- https://smiskol.com/fork/LexusRXopenpilotUG/shanesmiskol_SA-master
The updater may or may not work. If it doesn't update, just uninstall and reinstall with the appropiate above URL.
Please look at the .github/workflows
path in this repo to see how the
pre-patched branches are continually updated daily.