This is a multiplayer Bomberman created in Racket (LISP dialect, functional programming). File convention is based on the one used in Garry's Mod (
The project was created for a University Course. Timespan for entire project: 1 week :)
- Just run bomberman_local.rkt
- Run bomberman_server.rkt
- Then proceed to run (launch-server-withport ThePortYouWant)
- Run bomberman_client.rkt
- Run (create-world-withipandport "ANumberGoingFrom1To4" "TheServerIp" TheServerPort)
- Run bomberman_tests.rkt
- Leystryku (me)
- Collision System
- Movement
- Entity System
- Ents
- The game Engine
- Game Logic
- Bomberman Logic
- Rendering engine
- Animation System
- Networking
- Field Logic
- Game Events
- Cleanups
- Comments (Documentation)
- etc
- Marc:
- Manuals PDF
- Gameover Serverside Logic
- Tests
- Cleanups
- Comments (Documentation)
- Serhat:
- Manuals PDF
- Sound Assets
- Sound System
- Cleanups
- Comments (Documentation)
- Assets:
- Opengameart
- Source Engine
- Inspiration for the events system
- Garry's Mod
- The file convention with the cl_, sh_ sv_