This should install and run a simple OpenGL program with GLFW, GLEW, GLM and GTest.
In order to clone, compile and run this:
git clone --recursive
cd opengl-bootstrap/build
cmake ..
make -j4
This should install everything, compile, link and run the example program.
Macs and Linux is currently supported (Mac users need to change the OpengGL version in the Opengl-Bootstrap file). Windows support is currently very iffy. Pull requests are welcome.
This project requires CMake, Git and svn.
To change the projects name (and the corresponding execuatables), change the set(PROJECT_NAME_STR Opengl-Bootstrap)
line in CMakeLists.txt
If you want to add tests, add these under test directory, these should have the suffix .cpp. The tests are run with Gtest, and for information on how to write these tests, check the documentation of Gtest.
If you want to run these tests, use the following commands
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4