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Releases: LibertyDSNP/eth-sdk-ts

v3.0.3 - Better Package

15 Sep 20:21
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[3.0.3] - 2021-09-15


  • dsnpStartBlockNumber to config to allow setConfig to default a different value than 0 for fromBlock
  • Support "dsnp-start-block" for subscriptions to start from the dsnpStartBlockNumber
  • Readme configs for Rinkeby and Ropsten
  • getDSNPRegistryUpdateEvents defaults to dsnp-start-block


  • Removed esmodule build. All imports will fallback to esmodule compatible commonjs modules
  • Better cleaner build (removed multimodule script need, dist package directory, and better package.json)


  • Internal package dist structure. If you were previously importing out of @dsnp/sdk/dist, that will need to be updated to the correct export.

v3.0.2 - Small bug fixes

02 Sep 19:59
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[3.0.2] - 2021-09-02


  • Code documentation and additional test on subscribeToEvent


  • subscribeToEvent zero value for fromBlock param fetches logs starting at zero
  • batch.openURL to coerce URL to string before passing to ParquetJS
  • Fixed flaky tests around registry

v3.0.1 - readFile Promise support

27 Aug 16:01
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[3.0.1] - 2021-08-27


  • sdk.core.batch.readFile will now await doReadRow

v3.0.0 - Spec v0.10.0

25 Aug 17:53
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[3.0.0] - 2021-08-25


  • BREAKING: Changed batch.readFile() to pass parsed announcements instead of parquet records to callback
  • BREAKING: Changed createdAt on announcements to BigInt instead of number
  • Changed isSignatureAuthorizedTo to work with SignedAnnouncements
  • Changed isSignatureAuthorizedTo to throw InvalidAnnouncementParameterError when passed an invalid object as announcement
  • Changed AnnouncementWithSignature to take an AnnouncementType instead of a TypedAnnouncement
  • Changed to use bigint for types instead of BigInt
  • Changed content.react() to throw InvalidEmojiStringError when passed an invalid emoji string
  • Changed content.tombstone() to throw InvalidTombstoneAnnouncementTypeError or InvalidTombstoneAnnouncementSignatureError depending on which aspect of the provided target is invalid instead of simply throwing InvalidTombstoneAnnouncementTypeError for both
  • Exported announcement.isValidEmoji() for testing emoji strings
  • Exported announcement.isValidSignature() for testing signature strings
  • Removed statistics from parquet files for signature and hash fields
  • BREAKING: Update to Spec v0.10.0
  • BREAKING: Use BigInt for DSNPUserId
  • BREAKING: Store byte data in parquet as bytes
  • BREAKING: Parquet Schema changes
  • BREAKING: Use Spec v0.10.0 serialization for signatures


  • Added announcement.isTombstoneableType() for testing if a given announcement type can be tombstoned
  • sdk.convertToDSNPUserURI for taking most any value and converting it to the DSNP User URI format
  • sdk.convertToDSNPUserId for taking most any value and converting it to the DSNP User Id format


  • Changed isValidAnnouncement to return false for all announcements missing a createdAt big int
  • Updated content.react() to throw InvalidAnnouncementUriError as specified in its documentation
  • Updated Mentions so they require a DSNP User URI per spec instead of an Id
  • batch.openFile and batch.openUrl had an extra promise wrapping


  • sdk.core.activityContent.serialize: Serialization of activityContent is just JSON.stringify
  • sdk.core.utilities.sortObject: Unused method
  • sdk.convertBigNumberToDSNPUserId: Not supporting BigNumber anymore
  • sdk.convertDSNPUserIdOrURIToBigNumber: Not supporting BigNumber anymore
  • sdk.convertBigNumberToDSNPUserURI: Not supporting BigNumber anymore
  • Removed sdk.convertDSNPUserURIToDSNPUserId: Just use convertToDSNPUserId and convertToDSNPUserURI

Patch: Add missing fields to Subscriptions and Registry updates

20 Aug 22:59
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[2.1.2] - 2021-08-20


  • added transactionIndex and logIndex to batch and registry subscriptions

v2.1.1 Schema Bug Fixes

17 Aug 20:14
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[2.1.1] - 2021-08-17


  • Updated dependencies


  • Fixed bug where graph change announcements stored in parquet batch files would drop their objectId field.
  • Updated parquet schema to match announcement spec

v2.1.0 Tombstones & Hexadecimal & Errors & More

16 Aug 15:33
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[2.1.0] - 2021-08-16


  • sdk.core.identifiers.convertDSNPUserIdOrURIToBigNumber supports non-0x prefixed strings
  • sdk.core.utilities.serializeToHex for predictable hexadecimal to string values
  • Added createTombstone factory to announcements module
  • Added isTombstoneAnnouncement validator to announcements module
  • Added tombstone porcelain method to top level exports


  • Major rework of ActivityContent validations to log or throw informative errors when an ActivityContent is invalid, with a couple of other changes:
    • An array of locations is no longer allowed; this will invalidate an attachment.
    • Attachments MUST pass a minimal type check before further processing. For example if even one of its Link url hashes is malformed, it fails validation.
    • If an attachment passes a type check, but it fails to meet requirements for what is supported by DSNP, it also fails validation. HOWEVER, attachments can have multiple Link URLs; only one needs to be supported by DSNP to be considered a valid attachment. See code documentation for details.
    • If there is more than one attachment, but at least one is valid, it's considered a valid ActivityContent.
    • New exported function for retrieving an array of valid attachments for an ActivityContent: requireGetSupportedContentAttachments Please see code documentation for details.
    • Note on naming convention: anything beginning with 'require' will throw when failing the indicated action or validation. For example requireGetSupportedContentAttachments throws an error if there are attachments but none are valid.
    • If you wish to simply check for type validity without having to catch errors, use isActivityContentNoteType and isActivityContentProfileType
  • Fixed a bug in duration validation.
  • Reworked ActivityContent validations to log or throw informative errors when an ActivityContent is invalid.


  • Fixed bug resulting in incorrect output from sdk.core.contracts.publisher.dsnpBatchFilter when passed Tombstone
  • Fixed a bug in duration validation.
  • Fixed a bug in DURATION_REGEX.
  • Fix bug in getRegistrationsByWalletAddress by normalizing address to checksum version

Minor updates and fixes and renames

11 Aug 23:54
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[2.0.2] - 2021-08-11


  • Ability to filter registry update events based on start and end block
  • Exported sdk.core.identifiers
  • Ability to subscribe to DSNPRegistryUpdate events


  • Renamed BatchPublicationCallbackArgs -> BatchPublicationLogData
  • Updated subscribeToBatchPublications to not need a signer
  • sdk.core.contracts.publisher.dsnpBatchFilter is no longer async
  • Updated Ethers from 5.3.0 -> 5.4.4

v2.0.1 Minor Updates and Fixes

05 Aug 12:54
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[2.0.1] - 2021-08-04


  • Updated registry.resolveRegistration to support not found cases for nodes that do not return a failure reason.
  • Updated the Activity Content Published field validation regex to support fractional seconds
  • Updated @dsnp/contracts to v1.0.1
  • Updated minor dependencies


  • no longer using destructuring for methods that result in a store.putStream call.
  • sdk.createRegistration was incorrectly returning a DSNP User Id instead of a DSNP User URI

v2.0.0 Dependency Support

02 Aug 20:20
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[2.0.0] - 2021-08-02


  • Updated npm dependencies
  • Updated activityContent module to match spec
  • Updated announcement types to include createdAt type
  • Updated announcement factories to include optional createdAt param
  • Updated various types to specify DSNP ids instead of string
  • Updated various types to specify HexString instead of string
  • Updated all instances of keccak256 to use hash utilities instead
  • Added hash() and getHashGenerator() utility functions
  • Moved "requireGet" config methods back into the SDK core
  • Removed put method from the store interface in favor of putStream everywhere
  • Updated activityContent generators to match new types
  • Updated content porcelain to accept proper activityContent objects and validate them
  • Renamed activityPub -> activityContent
  • Renamed DSNPId to DSNPAnnouncementURI to avoid confusion with DSNPUserId
  • Renamed uri -> url everywhere it was referring to a url only
  • Renamed sdk.subscribeToBatchAnnounceEvents -> sdk.subscribeToBatchPublications
  • Renamed sdk.core.contracts.announcer -> sdk.core.contracts.publisher
  • Renamed sdk.core.contracts.announcer.batch -> sdk.core.contracts.publisher.publish
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages -> sdk.core.announcement
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages.createBroadcastMessage -> sdk.core.announcement.createBroadcast
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages.createReplyMessage -> sdk.core.announcement.createReply
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages.createReactionMessage -> sdk.core.announcement.createReaction
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages.createGraphChangeMessage -> sdk.core.announcement.createGraphChange
  • Renamed sdk.core.messages.createProfileMessage -> sdk.core.announcement.createProfile
  • Renamed sdk.core.contracts.registry.isMessageSignatureAuthorizedTo -> sdk.core.contracts.registry.isSignatureAuthorizedTo
  • Renamed sdk.core.identifiers.validateDSNPMessageId -> sdk.core.identifiers.validateDSNPAnnouncementId
  • Updated @dsnp/contracts to 1.0.0
  • Updated Publication interface: dsnpType -> announcementType, dsnpUrl -> fileUrl, dsnpHash -> fileHash
  • Renamed DSNPType -> AnnouncementType
  • Updated Parquet Schema
  • Rename InvalidAnnouncementIdentifierError -> InvalidAnnouncementUriError
  • Rename type DSNPAnnouncementId -> DSNPAnnouncementURI
  • Rename sdk.core.identifiers.isDSNPAnnouncementId -> sdk.core.identifiers.isDSNPAnnouncementURI
  • Rename sdk.core.identifiers.buildDSNPAnnouncementId -> sdk.core.identifiers.buildDSNPAnnouncementURI
  • DSNP User Id return no longer contain the dsnp:// prefix


  • sdk.createPublication
  • Ability to remove delegate
  • Ability to get DSNPAddDelegate logs
  • Ability to get DSNPRemoveDelegate logs
  • createdAt field to GraphChange announcement type, plus update to parquet schema.
  • Ability to get all identities associated to an address
  • sdk.core.identifiers.parseDSNPAnnouncementURI
  • Added type check and validation functions to activityContent module
  • Added type check and validation functions to announcements module
  • Added hash() and getHashGenerator() utility functions
  • Ability to get Registrations associated to identity address
  • Ability to lookup registrations by wallet address



  • Updated GraphChange enum values to match spec
  • Fix length check bug in subscribeToBatchPublications