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LibreBank Contracts

LibreBank smart-contracts repository.


  • contracts/ - contacts folder

    • /interfaces - interfaces and abstract-classes (minimal version used by our DAPP's and external)
    • /library - library and service-function's contracts folder,
    • /oracles - Oraclize-based exchanger ETH rate oracles contracts. And
    • /oracles/mock - Mocked version of oracles to test it in local (eg. on testrpc)
    • /token - LibreToken (aka LBRS) and LibreCash ERC20 standard tokens.
    • /zeppelin - part of OpenZeppelin contracts used as dependencies.
  • migrtations/ - deploy and migrations scripts/

  • test/ - smart-contract tests

Getting Started

git clone && cd contracts
npm install

Deploy contracts

To deploy contracts in network run: a) To main or test network (eg. Rinkeby) - deploy Oraclize-based oracles contracts.

truffle migrate --network mainnet

b) To localnode (eg. testrpc or local geth node) or for testing purposes - deloy contracts and mocked version of oracles.

truffle migrate --network development


Code released under the AGPL-3.0.