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Windows Installation

Fuegovic edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that you have the following requirements:

  • Python 3.10 or higher installed

Install and set up the bot

  1. Install git here

  2. Clone the repository with git clone

  3. Go to the Discord Developer Portal, create an application and name it. (You can use the included bot_icon.png for the bot icon if you want)

  4. Select the Bot tab. Reset the token and copy it to a safe place.


  1. Select the OAuth2 tab. Copy the Client_ID to a safe place


  1. Rename to

  2. In, replace the following variables with the obtained values:

    TOKEN = 'your-discord-bot-token'
    CLIENT_ID = 'your-discord-bot-client-ID'
  3. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S.

  4. Install all dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt in the command prompt.

  5. Run the bot by opening the command prompt, navigating to the folder containing, and executing the following command: python

  6. An invite link will be generated and displayed in the console, you can use it to invite the bot to your private discord server

Use PM2 to keep the bot always active (Optional)

  1. Install PM2 with npm install pm2 -g

  2. Start using pm2 start --interpreter python

At this point, PM2 will handle your script. PM2's feature includes automatic restart on crashes, which will keep your Python bot running a lot easier.

⚠️ Warning: When using this bot, exercise caution with command permissions. It is strongly recommended to limit bot command permissions to yourself or trusted individuals. We advise using the bot on a private discord server to minimize risks. This precaution is crucial as certain commands allow manipulating the .env file, and have the potential to expose sensitive API keys.

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