C++ 11 KISS principle networking library.
- C++ 11
- IPv4, IPv6
- Protocols: TCP, UDP
- Enable/Disable blocking mode
- Join/Leave UDP-Multicast groups
- UDP-IPv4-Broadcast
- Operating Systems: Mac OS, Linux, Windows
- MsgPack v5 support: http://msgpack.org so it can communicate with programs running in other programming languages
- Optional: Upgrade std::string with UTF8 support
- Socket can be used as std::streambuf
- SocketManager calls various events for (dis)connecting, receiving data, connection requests and status changes
- Event callbacks: onConnectRequest, onStatusChange, onReceiveRaw, onReceiveMsgPack
This library was inspired by the "NetLink Sockets C++ Library" from Pedro Francisco Pareja Ruiz, from which it got its general topic and name.