ACHE uses target page classifiers to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant pages. Page classifiers are flexible and can be as simple as a simple regular expression, or a sophisticated machine-learning based classification model.
To configure a page classifier, you will need to create a new directory
containing a file named pageclassifier.yml
specifying the type of
classifier that should be used and its parameters.
ACHE contains several page classifier implementations
available. The following subsections describe how to configure them:
- :ref:`title_regex <pageclassifier_title_regex>`
- :ref:`url_regex <pageclassifier_url_regex>`
- :ref:`body_regex <pageclassifier_body_regex>`
- :ref:`regex <pageclassifier_regex>`
- :ref:`smile <pageclassifier_smile>` (a.k.a "weka" before version 0.11.0)
Classifies a page as relevant if the HTML tag title matches a given pattern defined by a provided regular expression.
You can provide this regular expression using the pageclassifier.yml
file. Pages that match this expression are considered relevant. For example:
type: title_regex
regular_expression: ".*sometext.*"
Classifies a page as relevant if the URL of the page matches any of the regular expression patterns provided.
You can provide a list of regular expressions using the pageclassifier.yml
file as follows:
type: url_regex
regular_expressions: [
Classifies a page as relevant if the HTML content of the page matches any of the regular expression patterns provided.
You can provide a list of regular expressions using the pageclassifier.yml
file as follows:
type: body_regex
- pattern1
- pattern2
Classifies a page as relevant by matching the lists of regular expressions provided against multiple fields: url, title, and content. You can provide a list of regular expressions for each of these fields, and also the type of boolean operation to combine the results:
- AND (default): All regular expressions must match
- OR: At least one regular expression must match
Besides the combination method for each regular expression within a list,
you cab also specify how the final result for each field should be combined.
The file pageclassifier.yml
should be organized as follows:
type: regex
boolean_operator: AND|OR
boolean_operator: AND|OR
- pattern1-for-url
- pattern2-for-url
boolean_operator: AND|OR
- pattern1-for-title
- pattern2-for-title
boolean_operator: AND|OR
- pattern1-for-content
For example, in order to be classified as relevant using the following configuration, a page would have to:
- match regexes
in the URL - AND
- it would have to match
in the title.
type: regex
boolean_operator: "AND"
boolean_operator: "OR"
- .*category=1.*
- .*post\.php.*
boolean_operator: "OR"
- .*bar.*
- .*foo.*
This classifier was previously known as weka
before version 0.11.0, and has
been re-implemented using SMILE library
which uses a more permissive open-source license (Apache 2.0).
If you have models built using a previous ACHE version, you will need to
re-build your model before upgrading ACHE to a version equal or greater
than 0.11.0.
Classifies pages using a machine-learning based text classifier (SVM, Random Forest)
trained using ACHE's buildModel
A smile classifier consists of a features_file, a model_file, and a
stopwords_file file (which contains the stop-words used during the training
type: smile
features_file: pageclassifier.features
model_file: pageclassifier.model
stopwords_file: stoplist.txt
All these files can be built automatically by training a model using the command
ache buildModel
, as detailed in the next sub-section. You can also run
ache help buildModel
to see more options available.
Alternatively, you can use the Domain Discovery Tool (DDT) to gather training data and build automatically these files. DDT is a interactive web-based application that helps the user with the process of training a page classifier for ACHE.
To create the necessary configuration files, you will need to gather
positive (relevant) and negative (irrelevant) examples of web pages to train
the page classifier.
You should store the HTML content of each web page in a plain text file.
These files should be placed in two directories, named positive` and
, which reside in another empty directory.
See an example at config/sample_training_data.
Here is how you build a model from these examples using ACHE's command line:
ache buildModel -t <training data path> -o <output path for model> -c <stopwords file path>
<training data path>
is the path to the directory containing positive and negative examples.<output path>
is the new directory that you want to save the generated model that consists of two files:pageclassifier.model
.<stopwords file path>
is a file with list of words that the classifier should ignore. You can see an example at config/sample_config/stoplist.txt.
Example of building a page classifier using our test data:
ache buildModel -c config/sample_config/stoplist.txt -o model_output -t config/sample_training_data
Once you have configured your classifier, you can verify whether it is working properly to classify a specific web page by running the following command:
ache run TargetClassifierTester --input-file {html-file} --model {model-config-directory}
is the path to a file containing the page's HTML content and{model-config-directory}
is a path to the configuration directory containing your page classifier configuration.