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ACHE Documentation

This directory contains ACHE's documentation. It is writen using reStructuredText format and is compiled to multiple media formats using Sphinx. The final documentation is automatically compiled and published after every commit to


This documentation uses the following extra Sphinx packages:

  • sphinx_rtd_theme
  • httpdomain

If you use conda, these packages can be installed using:

conda install sphinx
conda install sphinx_rtd_theme
conda install -c bokeh sphinxcontrib-httpdomain

or using pip:

pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinxcontrib-httpdomain

Editing the Documentation

You can edit any .rst file, and then use the make to command to compile the docs:

make html

Finally, open the generated HTML file using your web browser. The entry page of the documentation can be found at: _build/html/index.html.