This repository keep Qt's arm64-v8a binary, you can just download to your location and use it.
git clone git:// qt5
cd qt5
perl init-repository
./configure \
-confirm-license \
-opensource \
-xplatform android-g++ \
-nomake tests \
-nomake examples \
-android-ndk /usr/local/Cellar/android-ndk/r10e \
-android-sdk ~/Documents/android-sdk-macosx \
-android-ndk-host darwin-x86_64 \
-android-toolchain-version 4.9 \
-android-arch arm64-v8a \
-android-ndk-platform android-21 \
-skip qtdeclarative \
-skip qttranslations \
-skip qtserialport \
-no-warnings-are-errors \
-no-compile-examples \
-no-sql-mysql \
-no-sql-psql \
-prefix ~/Documents/Qt/android_arm64-v8a \
-openssl \
-I /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2k/include -L /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2k/lib
make -j4
make -j4 install
You must use android r10e NDK, because other version will cause bug
- Add qt.conf to
- You will be allowed to move library everywhere since you put this file.
Prefix: {the path you want}