It is an easy web parser agregator to get any kind of information from any website.
I created many small web parser, one at a time and didn't use more complete tools like scrappy because it was like bringing out the big guns. And at one time I merged all the code into a new one: MetaParser. Now the each parser is meant to do only the essential, what you need ! All boring stuff like getting html, files and can be delegated to MetaParser.
Don't believe me and see how it works: you want to get every title from Google News.
from metaParser import Parser
from lxml import html
from lxml import etree
class ChildParser(Parser):
def parse(self, url):
ans = self.dl.get_html(url, clean=True)
tree = html.fromstring(ans)
news = tree.xpath('//span[@class="titletext"]')
print("Got", len(news), "news")
for i in news:
Important things here:
We create a class with name ChildParser that implement Parser:
from metaParser import Parser class ChildParser(Parser):
And in this class we have the function parse:
def parse(self, url):
The name of the class and function cannot be changed.
When an url is given to metaParser it will search in the folder hoster the corresponding parser file.
The name of the parser in hoster is the website name without . or - and no https or www: -> -> ->
In hoster put a file named from the website you want without http,www,.,-
paste that inside:
from metaParser import Parser
class ChildParser(Parser):
def parse(self, url):
replace pass by what you want and that's good.
By implementing Parser, you get an attribute called dl. contain the original ouput_path where will be saved files or images or whatever.
What can do self.dl
# Get html via requests, if clean, will force the conversion to utf8
self.dl.get_html(url, clean=False)
# Get file, if nothing other that url if given, it will guess name and output folder
self.dl.get_file(url, folder_name="default", file_name="", async=False, verbose=False)
# Async here enable or not the use of the pool. If you want faster download use async=True.
# A good parser wait before another attempt, but we can be sneaky if needed (random: 0-1sec)
self.dl.wait(wait_time=1, random=False)
# If you need to call another plugin
# Want to have shorter code, this function wil download html and return a xpath function or result depending of the input
self.dl.get_xpath(url, xpath=None)
# To launch an entire function in the pool.
# Warning: Do not put heavy computation, just IO stuff
self.dl.launch_async(func, args):
If you want to have parallel downloads:
python3 -n X
With X the download pool size. Be fair, do not put too high value here.
I put more setter, getter and some file management functions in