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Also Turned the site into a Progressive Web App(PWA)

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Sky Prophet PC

In Mobile: Sky Prophet Mobile


Slider Item

This section represents a single item in a slider. Each item is a small card that displays some weather information. It includes:

  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction (represented by an icon)
  • Temperature


The footer contains two links:

  • A link to the GitHub profile of the developer, represented by a GitHub icon.
  • A link to the OpenWeather API, which powers the weather information in the app. This is represented by the OpenWeather icon.

Loading Screen

This is a loading screen that is displayed while the app fetches data.

404 Error Page

This section is displayed when a user navigates to a non-existent page. It contains a message ("Page Not Found!") and a button that redirects the user back to the home page.


Typography Classes

These classes are used to apply different font sizes throughout the application. They use CSS variables for the font sizes, which makes it easy to adjust the typography globally. The classes include:

  • .title-1: Applies a large font size, typically used for main headings.
  • .title-2: Applies a medium font size, typically used for subheadings. It also adds a bottom margin.
  • .title-3: Applies a small font size, typically used for tertiary headings. It also applies a semi-bold font weight.
  • .body-1, .body-2, .body-3: These classes are used for different levels of body text, with .body-1 being the largest and .body-3 being the smallest. .body-2 also applies a semi-bold font weight.
  • .label-1, .label-2: These classes are used for label text, with .label-1 being larger than .label-2.

Header Styles

These styles are specific to the header of the application:

  • .header .btn-primary .span: Hides the span element inside a button with the class .btn-primary in the header.
  • .logo img: Sets the width of the logo image in the header to 150px.
  • .header .container: No styles are defined for this selector in the provided code.



api_key is a constant that holds the API key for the OpenWeatherMap API.

fetchData Function

fetchData is a function that fetches data from a given URL and then calls a callback function with the fetched data. It uses the Fetch API to make the HTTP request and expects the response to be in JSON format.

url Object

url is an object that contains methods for generating URLs for different types of weather data:

  • currentWeather(lat, lon): Returns a URL for fetching the current weather data for a given latitude and longitude.
  • forecast(lat, lon): Returns a URL for fetching the weather forecast for a given latitude and longitude.
  • airPollution(lat, lon): Returns a URL for fetching the air pollution data for a given latitude and longitude.
  • reverseGeo(lat, lon): Returns a URL for performing a reverse geocoding lookup for a given latitude and longitude.
  • geo(query): Returns a URL for performing a geocoding lookup for a given query string. The query string can be a city name, for example.


Air Quality Index Card

This section of the code creates a card that displays the Air Quality Index (AQI) and the levels of various pollutants. It uses data fetched from the airPollution object.

  • main :{aqi}: This is the overall AQI.
  • components: {no2, o3, so2, pm2_5}: These are the levels of various pollutants. no2 is nitrogen dioxide, o3 is ozone, so2 is sulfur dioxide, and pm2_5 is particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter.

The card is created using the createElement method and the innerHTML property. It includes:

  • A heading ("Today Highlights").
  • A list of pollutants, each with its level and a label.
  • A badge that displays the AQI level and a message related to the AQI. The message is fetched from module.aqiText[aqi].message and the level is fetched from module.aqiText[aqi].level.

The card is then added to the highlight-list div.



weekDayNames and monthNames are arrays that hold the names of the days of the week and the months of the year, respectively. They are used to convert date numbers into more human-readable formats.

getDate Function

getDate is a function that takes a Unix timestamp and a timezone offset (both in seconds), and returns a string representing the date in the format "WeekDayName MonthName, Date" (e.g., "Sunday 10, Jan").

The function works as follows:

  1. It creates a new Date object using the provided Unix timestamp and timezone offset.
  2. It gets the day of the week and the month from the Date object using the getUTCDay and getUTCMonth methods, respectively.
  3. It uses these values to look up the corresponding day and month names in the weekDayNames and monthNames arrays.
  4. It gets the day of the month from the Date object using the getUTCDate method.
  5. It constructs and returns a string using these values.


IP and Location Fetching

This section fetches the user's IP address from the "" API and then uses that IP address to fetch the user's location from the "" API. The latitude and longitude are extracted from the location data and used to update the weather information.

Current Location Function

This function uses the Geolocation API to get the user's current location. The latitude and longitude are extracted from the location data and used to update the weather information. If the location cannot be fetched, the user is redirected to the approximate location page.

Searched Location Function

This function takes a query string, splits it into latitude and longitude, and uses them to update the weather information.


This is a map of routes. Each route is associated with a function that is called when the route is accessed.

Check Hash Function

This function checks the current URL hash and calls the associated function from the routes map. If the route does not exist in the map, it calls the error404 function.

Event Listeners

These event listeners call the checkHash function when the URL hash changes and when the page loads. If the page is loaded without a hash, the user is redirected to the current location page.