Modules for Latex preambles.
These modules can be loaded into your preamble. Each modules should contain all required packages to run.
Download it here: Latest build and place it in a folder called LatexModules
Place them in a folder close to your working directory:
+ .\
+ LatexModules
- CiteSetup.tex
- FigureSetup.tex
- ...
+ Documentation
- Main.tex
- Preamble
+ Figures
- Dummy.png
- References.bib
**If the LatexModules folder's location is changed folder-wise from the current setup (not as seen above), you must go to the Preamble.tex
file and change the line \newcommand{\modulesPath}{../../../LatexModules/}
to point at your location.
If you place them as above, let it be \newcommand{\modulesPath}{../LatexModules/}
Head to the memoir example or the article example to learn how to use them.
Papers are not listed supported yet.
Article is recommended for normal pages under 15 pages.
Memoir is recommended for 15 pages and above.