The asyncio LinuxForHealth Kafka client. lib-kafka provides asyncio based implementations of the Kakfa Consumer, Producer, and Admin APIs.
- Python >= 3.8
- librdkafka >= 1.6.0
LinuxForHealth lib-kafka is built on Confluent's Kafka Python client, which in turn relies on a "native" C dependency, librdkafka. librdkafka is included in Confluent's Kafka-Python wheel distribution for some platforms. For other platforms it needs to be installed prior to use. Please refer to Confluent's documentation for additional information.
git clone
cd lib-kafka
python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install -e .[test]
lib-kafka uses environment variables to specify configuration file locations. Supported environment variables include:
The path to the Kafka broker configuration file. Default value is "/var/app/config/kafka.env"
Sample kafka.env content:
bootstrap_servers = localhost:9093
group_id = kafka-listener
security_protocol = PLAINTEXT
ssl_ca_location = /var/app/certs/kafka/tls.crt
enable_auto_commit = False
The path to the Kafka topic configuration. Default value is "/var/app/config/kafka-topic.json" The topic configuration file manages topics using create, delete, and update operations.
Sample kafka-topics.json content:
"name": "test_topic_1",
"replication_factor": 1,
"partitions": 1,
"operation": "CREATE"
"name": "test_topic_1",
"replication_factor": 1,
"partitions": 1,
"recreate_topic": true,
"operation": "UPDATE"
"name": "test_topic_2",
"operation": "DELETE"
The Kafka Consumer streams events from one or more topics. The code below initializes and starts a Kafka Consumer.
The script requires both the KAFKA_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE
to be set in the environment.
import asyncio
from lib_kafka.kafka_consumer import KafkaConsumer
from typing import Dict
TOPIC_NAME = "test_topic"
async def consumer_callback(msg: str, headers: Dict):
Executes when the consumer receives a message from the subscribed topic.
Note that the method is defined as async and is expected to "await" on I/O
:param msg: The streamed message
:param headers: The message headers
asyncio.sleep(1) # arbitrary asyncio wait for demonstration
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
consumer = KafkaConsumer([TOPIC_NAME])
# start_listening is awaitable
The Kafka Producer sends a message to a topic. The code below initializes a KafkaProducer and sends a message.
The script requires both the KAFKA_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE
to be set in the environment.
import asyncio
from lib_kafka.kafka_producer import KafkaProducer
TOPIC_NAME = "test_topic"
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
producer = KafkaProducer(TOPIC_NAME)
# send_message is awaitable
loop.create_task(producer.send_message("test message"))