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ArchieV1 edited this page Jan 22, 2023 · 1 revision

As the game updates mods will need updating. Many mods will work just fine without any updates but some will be game breaking or save corrupting.

To prevent this when the game updates mods for that version will no longer work. Starting from the Ai Kingdoms Update mods will only work with the version they were published with (Source).

When mods are compiled they are marked as compatible with different versions of the game. The version history is as follows:

In order to update your mod you should load your mod into the Kingdoms and Castles Workshop tool (Link) and press "Create item" again. The mod will now be marked as working with the latest version.


This system has a few limitations.

  • You cannot mark mods as supporting previous versions
  • You cannot mark mods as compatible with multiple versions

If updating your mod to the latest version makes it no longer work with previous versions you should upload it to the steam workshop as a new item (For example marked as "v2") (Source)

Information here is correct as of 2022/05/30

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