Demonstration of specification-by-example on GitHub pages using SpecFlow, NUnit 3 and Selenium Web-Driver
The project is demonstration of Specification-By-Example (BDD) on GitHub login and dashboard pages. With Cucumber (Gherkin) features implemented by SpecFlow. The implementation of the steps is using Selenium WebDriver using best practices of Selenium (PageObjects,etc.) together with best practices of SpecFlow.
Feature: Login success
In order to access to my Github account
As a user with existing account
I want to be able to sign in to GitHub
Scenario: Login with email and password
Given I am in the login page
When I login by email and password
Then I should see the dashboard
[When(@"I login by email and password")]
public void WhenILoginByEmailAndPassword()
var user = TestConfiguration.GitHubUser;
loginPage.LoginSuccess(user.Email, user.Password);
This project was created to demonstrate how to write good executable specifications in SpecFlow and Selenium using best practices see my presentation:
Visual Studio 2012, 2013 or 2015, even the free Community edition is perfect. Install the SpecFlow extension (downloadable from Visual Studio Gallery). Also need NUnit 3 Test Adapter extension
Download the project, build and run the tests