This code is linked to the article : doi will be put here
Licence : CC BY-NC 4.0
Code created to optimize a life cycle assessment product system to minimize environmental impacts when several processes can provide the same function. The optimization tool takes the useful files in the folder "source_files", stores temporary useful files in the folder "working_files" and stores results in the folder "results". : contains all the functions used in the mqin code
single_objective_optimization_(SOO).ipynb allows to optimize one product system for one environmental impact
single_objective_optimization_loop_(SOOL).ipynb allows to easily optimize several product systems, each one for one environmental impact
multi-objective_optimization_weighted_sum_(MOOWS).ipynb needs to be used when the user wants to optimize for several objectives using the weighted sum method
multi-objective_optimization_e-constraint_(MOOeC).ipynb needs to be used when the user wants to optimize for several objectives using the weighted sum method
user_file.xlsx : contains all the system products in a matrix form
impact_file.xlsx : contains unitary impacts for background processes
For privacy and copyright reasons, the user file and impact file provided here are given only as examples and do not contain any of the data used in the article.