A library for creating mql4 table
Put the file in the MQL4\Inclue folder
In your indicator/expert/script type #include <Table.mqh>
Declare your table by: Table *myTable = new Table(ChartID(), Subwindows, "tableName");
Initialize your table by calling: myTable.Create(); //use the default values; or myTable.Create(int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0, int xOffset=3, int yOffset=3, int cellWidth=0, int cellHeight=0, int cellSpace=2, int fontSize=8, string fontName="Terminal") //to set each value as you wishes
Create a 2-Dimensional string array to story your data: string cells[rows][cols] //as MQL4 don't not support 2-D dynamic array, therefore, currently only support static 2-D array.
To show your table: myTable.Show(cells);
Auto cell-size
Auto table-size (as default window size)
Alternativate Color scheme: (under-testing)
Public method description
void Table(long id, int subwin, string name); //default constructor
//id: the id of the chart, ChartID(), which the table will show
//subwin: the indicator window which the table will show, should >=0
//name: unique name of the table, you can show more than one table in the chart by using different names
//default initializer
void Create( int x=0, int y=0, //table top-left coner co-ordinates with default values of (0,0)
int w=0, int h=0, //table width & height; default value 0 means use whole subwin size
int xOffset=3, int yOffset=3, //the cell's x-y offset related to the table top-left coner
int cellWidth=0, int cellHeight=0, //width & height of the cells default value 0 means auto size
int cellSpace=2, //cellspace between each cell;
int fontSize=8, //fontsize of the text
string fontName="Terminal"); //font used in the table
void SetFontColors(color fontColor, color altFontColor);
void SetBgColors(color bgColor, color cellBgColor);
void SetAltFontColorMode(ENUM_ALT_COLOR_MODE altMode){//not yet implement}
bool Show(string &cells[][]); //Render the table
void ~Table(); //Delete table and remove all objects created by the table.