This is a map app I made to track the spread of COVID19 around the world. I used a repo from Colby Fayock to bootstrap the app by using Leaflet as a map outline. I changed the UI and the API used to a more recent iteration. I used the new API to include more relevant information for visitors.
Run the following in your favorite terminal:
gatsby new [directory]
- Set up Yarn:[
- Install the Gatsby CLI globally:
yarn global add gatsby-cli
- Inside the directory of your choice, scaffold a new Gatsby site:
gatsby new [directory]
For example, if I want my installation in ~/Code/new-gatsby-site
, I would navigate to ~/Code
and run:
gatsby new new-gatsby-site
- Navigate to your new directory and run:
yarn develop
- The web app should now run locally
Personal note: Some people have had trouble when cloning this repo. If that's you, try the following commands within your terminal while in the directory of the cloned repo:
rm yarn.lock
gatsby develop
Also, make sure you get your own key to mapbox and create a .env file to store it. You can copy my design (mapbox://styles/crc8109/ck8vqm1nn12n01io6o4y9xlq2) and create your own key. Then on the CLI, type:
source .env
This will make sure that the map loads with the design from Mapbox.