A pure least recently used hash map based on java.util.LinkedHashMap
Scala LruMap has "tagless final"-friendly API, allowing end-users to abstract over effects they use:
, ZIO or similar lazy referentially-transparent implementation for most production use casescats.data.State
for testing purposesId
when you need an eager implementation
Generally, we highly recommend to use a referentially-transparent implementation,
but in some environments like Apache Spark or Apache Beam it is not possible to
use lazy implementation. In Spark and similar environments we recommend to use Id
but everything needs to be tested in real environment.
Scala LruMap provides two tagless final "capabilities":
CreateLruMap[F[_], K, V]
, whereK
are type of key and values respectively andF
is a type of effect. This capability tells its users that effect is capable of intializing aLruMap
instanceLruMap[F[_], K, V]
is more like a classical interface and simply exposes API forput
for an entity. It could be a wrapper for for remote cache or an object encapsulating a mutable reference
import cats.effect.IO
class Fibonacci(lru: LruMap[IO, BigInt, BigInt]) {
def calc(n: BigInt): IO[BigInt] = {
if (n <= 0)
else if (n == 1)
lru.get(n).flatMap(r => r match {
case Some(r) => IO.pure(r)
case None => for {
m1 <- calc(n-1)
m2 <- calc(n-2)
_ <- lru.put(n, m1+m2)
} yield m1+m2
val result = (for {
// When the size of the map exceeds 500 the least recently used element is
// removed
lru <- CreateLruMap[IO, BigInt, BigInt].create(500)
result <- (new Fibonacci(lru)).calc(100)
} yield result).unsafeRunSync()
// Prints 354224848179261915075
All impure methods and constructors are wrapped in cats.effect.Sync
When you want to use the result in an impure environment you can use
as shown above.
Calls to lruMap.get
and LruMap.set
are not inherently thread-safe, so
concurrency concerns are left up to the choice of Sync
Copyright 2012-2020 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.