PowerShell Philips Hue Integration
greg . foss [at] logrhythm . com
v0.1 -- July, 2017
Leverage PoSHue to automate the discovery and interaction with Hue Lights. This script is designed to integrate with the Loghythm SIEM, and change light color as alarms fire in the SOC.
Blog Post =>
PoSHue is required - download it here or install it via command line
PS C:\> Install-Module -Name PoSHue
Import the Invoke-Hue Module
PS C:\> Import-Module .\Invoke-Hue.ps1
Obtain an API key from the HUE Hub.
Push the button on the top of the hub and then run the following command:
PS C:\> Invoke-Hue -hueIPaddress -generateAPIkey
Prepare HUE authentication and groups for use
PS C:\> Invoke-Hue -generateAPIkey
Gather information on lights and rooms
PS C:\> Invoke-Hue -lightInfo -hueIPaddress <ip> -hueAPIkey <key>
Interact with the lights
First, turn the light on:
PS C:\> Invoke-Hue -hueIPaddress <ip> -hueAPIkey <key> -room -on
Then, change colors as desired:
PS C:\> Invoke-Hue -lightInfo -hueIPaddress <ip> -hueAPIkey <key> -red
Copyright 2017 LogRhythm Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.