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Project for computing spectra from right-handed neutrino decays

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| Overview | Installation | Usage


blackthorn is a tool for generating photon, positron and neutrino spectra dark-matter annihilations into or decays of right-handed (RH) neutrinos. blackthorn is capable of computing spectra for nearly any RH-neutrino mass. To handle the large mass range, blackthorn uses:

  • hazma for RH-neutrino masses < 1 GeV,
  • PPC4DMID for RH-neutrino masses > 5 GeV and < 1 TeV,
  • HDMSpectra for RH-neutrino masses > 1 TeV.

To install, poetry is recommended. After cloning the repo and navigating to the source directory, run:

poetry install

🚀 Usage


blackthorn comes with a command-line-interface to generate spectra. The format for executing the CLI is:

python -m blackthorn.generate_spectrum [OPTIONS] MASS GENERATION OUTPUT

The required positional arguments are:

  • MASS: Mass of the RH-neutrino in GeV,
  • GENERATION: Generation of the RH-neutrino (1, 2, or 3)
  • OUTPUT: File where output should be stored. The output is Javascript-object notation (JSON).

The common options are:

  • --all: Generate spectra for photon, positron and neutrinos,
  • --photon: Turn on photon spectra generation (ignored if --all is set),
  • --positron: Turn on positron spectra generation (ignored if --all is set),
  • --neutrino: Turn on neutrino spectra generation (ignored if --all is set),
  • --x-min: Set the minimum value of x=2E/sqrt(s) (default is 1e-4),
  • --x-max: Set the minimum value of x=2E/sqrt(s) (default is 1),
  • --n: Set the number of x=2E/sqrt(s) values (default is 100),
  • --scale: Scaling of the x=2E/sqrt(s) values ("log" or "linear", default is "log"),
  • --eps: Energy resolution for convolving spectra in order to resolve delta-function contributions (default is 0.05),
  • --dm-mass: Mass of the dark-matter. If specified, spectra will be generated assume DM annihilation into two RH-neutrinos.

For example, to generate the photon, neutrino and positron spectra from the decay a 100 TeV, first-generation RH-neutrino, use:

python -m blackthorn.generate_spectrum --all 1e5 1 output.json


To use blackthorn from Python, the most important classes are:

  • Models:
    • blackthorn.models.RhNeutrinoMeV: Class for RH-neutrinos with a mass < 1 GeV,
    • blackthorn.models.RhNeutrinoGeV: Class for RH-neutrinos with a mass > 5 GeV and < 1 TeV,
    • blackthorn.models.RhNeutrinoTeV: Class for RH-neutrinos with a mass > 1 TeV.
  • Constants:
    • blackthorn.constants.Gen: Enumeration of generations (Fst, Snd, and Trd).
  • Fields:
    • blackthorn.fields.Photon: Class representing the photon,
    • blackthorn.fields.Positron: Class representing the photon,
    • blackthorn.fields.ElectronNeutrino: Class representing the electron-neutrino,
    • blackthorn.fields.MuonNeutrino: Class representing the muon-neutrino,
    • blackthorn.fields.TauNeutrino: Class representing the tau-neutrino.
  • Spectra:
    • blackthorn.spectrum_utils.Spectrum: Class for working with spectra (boosting, convolving)

Each of the model classes is instantiated with MODEL(mass: float, theta: float, gen: Gen) where MODEL=RhNeutrinoMeV,RhNeutrinoGeV,RhNeutrinoTeV. For example, to construct a RH-neutrino model, use:

from blackthorn.models import RhNeutrinoMeV, RhNeutrinoGeV, RhNeutrinoTeV
from blackthorn.constants import Gen

# RH-neutrino with mass 500 MeV, mixing angle 10^-3 with the first generation
model = RhNeutrinoMeV(0.5, 1e-3, Gen.Fst)

# RH-neutrino with mass 100 GeV, mixing angle 10^-3 with the second generation
model = RhNeutrinoGeV(100.0, 1e-3, Gen.Snd)

# RH-neutrino with mass 100 TeV, mixing angle 10^-3 with the third generation
model = RhNeutrinoTeV(100e3, 1e-3, Gen.Trd)

Spectrum generation for each model is identical. To generate spectra dN/dx, use:

import numpy as np
from blackthorn import models
from blackthorn.constants import Gen
from blackthorn import fields

# 100 x=2E/sqrt(s) logarithmically spaced
x = np.geomspace(1e-4, 1, 100)

# Generate the photon spectrum
model = models.RhNeutrinoMeV(0.5, 1e-3, Gen.Fst)
spectrum = model.dndx(x, fields.Photon)

# Generate the positron spectrum
model = models.RhNeutrinoGeV(100.0, 1e-3, Gen.Snd)
spectrum = model.dndx(x, fields.Positron)

# Generate the electron-neutrino spectrum
model = models.RhNeutrinoTeV(100e3, 1e-3, Gen.Trd)
spectrum = model.dndx(x, fields.ElectronNeutrino)

The return value of dndx is a Spectrum object. The Spectrum objects has various properties and functions for working with the underlying spectrum. Below are some commonly used functionalities:

# ... Same as above

# Get the x values (numpy array)

# Get the dN/dx values (numpy array)

# Boost the spectrum (beta is the boost velocity)

# Convolve the spectrum (eps is the energy resolution)

For more fine-grained control of the convolution, use total_conv_spectrum_fn method, available for each model (note this function return dN/dE, not dN/dx):

import numpy as np
from blackthorn import models
from blackthorn.constants import Gen
from blackthorn import fields

e_min = 1e-4
e_max = 0.5

# Specify a function to compute energy resolution
def energy_res(e):
  return ... # Return the energy resolution as %

# Generate the photon spectrum **dN/dE**
model = models.RhNeutrinoMeV(0.5, 1e-3, Gen.Fst)
spectrum = model.total_conv_spectrum_fn(
  e_min=1e-4,            # Minimum energy needed
  e_max=0.5,             # Maximum energy needed
  energy_res=energy_res, # See above
  product=fields.Photon, # Product to generate spectrum for
  npts=1000,             # Number of interpolation points to use
  # cme=...              # Center-of-mass energy (for DM annihilations)

Decay Branching Fractions and Partial Widths

To compute decay branching fractions and/or partial decay widths, use:

from blackthorn import models
from blackthorn.constants import Gen

model = RhNeutrinoTeV(1e6, 1e-3, Gen.Fst)

# Compute the decay branching rations. Returns a dictionary.
# Output:
# {
#   "ve h": ..., # electron-neutrino and Higgs
#   "ve z": ..., # electron-neutrino and Z
#   "e w": ...,  # electron and W (both charge states)
# }

# Compute the partial decay widths
# Output: Same format as `branching_fractions`


Project for computing spectra from right-handed neutrino decays






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