Romain Choukroun, Matthias Leroy, Alain Milliet, Hector Parmantier
What's the best developer job like ? (depending on your own definition of "best")
We used the dataset provided by StackOverflow on Kaggle, you can download it and directly run the notebook. It contains about fifty thousand answers from a sample of the active StackOverflow population about a lot of questions, namely 154. This means that we have a tremendous insight into what makes a programmer unique, but we also can answer a lot of interesting questions.
Check the distributions of all useful features, outliers, quantiles. Questions we could answer with the exploration:
What features are more correlated with satisfaction? Does salary equates to happiness/fulfilment in your job ? How much is Job Satisfaction linked to education ? Are "gif" people more satisfied with their job compared to "jif" people ?
What does the population that answered to this survey looks like ?
Can we find what are the most used programming languages in the StackOverflow population ?
Derive a metric to measure the distance inbetween users
Data cleaning, categorize values, check out their distribution, selecting columns, removing bad values if needed.
The graph will be built the following way:
Users will be the nodes
Correlations (with a threshold) in-between users used as edges
The idea of the recommender system is to be able to recommend users to recruiters. To do so, we would simply check which existing node is the closest to the artificial one that we create for the chosen features a recruiter is looking for.