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Lord Misfit edited this page Apr 1, 2014 · 10 revisions

So yeah... hi. :P

Welcome to the Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress: GitHub Wiki edition.


If you download the master zip. You need to do the following

  1. It is recommended you make a seperate instance of EDuke32 for NR. The main reason is because the master zip will generally come with it's own version of EDuke32 for purposes of stability and the current SVN you might have might not be of similar stability.

  2. Either do one or the other of the following:

a. Extract the master folder's contents into a subfolder under the name "NR-IotDM" or whatever name you're most comfortable with. Call it "kibblesnbits" if you want, just make sure you remember the folder name.

b. Extract the master folder directly into the main EDuke32 folder you've reserved. Although this might be a bit messier at the moment, it will insure certain files like the eduke32.def in the master folder [along with various other files] will be properly detected. NR has not yet adapted over to the subfolder method above, though others have told me it mostly works if done that way.

  1. If you want to use the maps from episodes 5-7, then move the maps in the 'externalmaps' subfolder into your main NR subfolder or the main folder, depending on your method above. 'externalmaps' are considered to be an optional thing bundled with the game, so direct access to them is up to you by moving them into the proper folder.


Running NR will depend on which method you took in 2. above above:

Method 1 [subfolder]. Make a .bat file with the command line "EDuke32.exe -game_dir (whatever folder name you used above) -map warp", and use it to run the game. This will have the added bonus of putting you in the special 'start' map as well.

Method 2a [main folder]. Just run eduke32.exe and it should load at the main menu.

Method 2b [main folder]. Make a bat file with the command line "eduke32.exe -map warp" if you want access to the special map that allows you to select difficulties 0 and 7-9 and engage a controlled selection of episodes and maps.

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