- window7_X64
- maven
- testng
- write testCase use yaml
- PageObject
- docker
- login testcase
All page are made up of three parts:
- constructor
- operation method
- checkPoint
public class LoginPage {
YamlRead yamlRead;
OperateElement operateElement;
protected WebDriver driver;
private boolean isOperate = true;
* @param driver
* @param path yaml
public LoginPage(WebDriver driver, String path) {
this.driver = driver;
yamlRead = new YamlRead(path);
operateElement= new OperateElement(this.driver);
* operate setp
* @throws YamlException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public void operate() throws YamlException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException {
List list = (List) yamlRead.getYmal().get("testcase");
// System.out.println(list);
for(Object item: list){
TestCase testCase = new TestCase();
testCase.setFind_type((String) ((Map)item).get("find_type"));
testCase.setElement_info((String) ((Map)item).get("element_info"));
testCase.setText((String) ((Map)item).get("text"));
testCase.setOperate_type((String) ((Map)item).get("operate_type"));
if (!operateElement.operate(testCase)) {
isOperate = false;
System.out.println("operate failed");
* checkPoint
* @return
* @throws YamlException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public boolean checkpoint() throws YamlException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException {
if (!isOperate) { // If the operation step fails, the checkpoint fails
System.out.println("operate failed");
return false;
List list = (List) yamlRead.getYmal().get("check");
for(Object item: list){
CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
checkPoint.setElement_info((String) ((Map)item).get("element_info"));
checkPoint.setFind_type((String) ((Map)item).get("find_type"));
if (!operateElement.checkElement(checkPoint)) {
return false;
return true;
login yaml
- element_info: user_login
find_type: id
operate_type: send_keys
text: lose
- element_info: user[password]
find_type: name
operate_type: send_keys
text: password
- element_info: //*[@id="new_user"]/div[4]/input
find_type: xpath
operate_type: click
- element_info: /html/body/div[1]/nav/div/ul[1]/li/a/img
find_type: xpath
- element_info: /html/body/div[1]/nav/div/ul[2]/li[2]/a
find_type: xpath
login test
public class LoginTest {
private WebDriver driver;
private TestBaseSetup testBaseSetup = new TestBaseSetup();
@Parameters({ "browserType", "appURL" ,"driverPath","browserVersion", "remoteIP"})
public void setUp(String browserType, String appURL, String driverPath, String browserVersion, String remoteIP) {
driver = testBaseSetup.setDriver(browserType, appURL, driverPath,browserVersion, remoteIP);
public void testLogin() throws YamlException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException {
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(this.driver, "/Login.yaml");
Assert.assertTrue(loginPage.checkpoint(), "checkPoint is failed");
public void tearDown() {
mvn test