Entry project for GSoC2017 ViSP
Sorce files for the DLL contains in the folder ...//ImageLoadAndSave (ImageLoadAndSave is a Visual Studio DLL project, ImageLoadAndSaveCSTest and ImageLoadAndSaveTest are test projects for the DLL) Source files for the shared library *.so located in the ...//ImageLoadAndSaveUNIX folder Folder ...//UnityImageLoadAndSavePluginTest contains Unity sorces
Cylinder "Load" loades image {Project}//Assets//TestTextures//testImage.png to the canvas Cylinder "Save" saves canvas texture to the path {Project}//Assets//TestTextures//testImageProcess{Date}.png
You can change the color by shooting at the flying boxes. You can choose to draw with lines, circles or points by shooting at the green cylinder with the appropriate name.
The folder ..//UnityImageLoadAndSavePluginTest//Assets//Plugin contains compiled Plugin for Unity
To exit from game press Alt+F4