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A tabletop RPG character sheet editor & viewer.

build status Known Vulnerabilities


  • web-based : only require a web browser for end users
  • characters are read-only by default; editing is only allowed with a unique URL generated on character creation
  • can support character sheets from any game, simply by adding a new background image and matching CSS stylesheet
  • easily deployable on your own server, and also usable locally with no Internet connexion
  • locally load & save your character from JSON files, or save it on a remote server
  • technical: WSGI Python app implementing a JSONP key-value store backed by SQLite

Online website & examples


Supported games:

Some character examples from home-made TTRPGs:


All the interactions are made using the 4 top right buttons and the 'name' input field.

To remote load an existing character, simply go to and type a layout name at the end of URL, then enter your character name and press 'Load from remote server'. Alternatively you can directly enter an URL formatted like this: '?layout=&name='.

To edit and remote save a new character, simply go to and type a layout name at the end of the URL, then enter your character name and press the 'Save to remote server' button.

The currently available layouts matches the list of file in the layout/ & background/ directories of this repository.

Internals & asumptions

  • a ?layout= URL parameter provided to index.html allows to select the character sheet.
  • this layout must match the name of a .css file in the layout/ directory, and a .png character sheet image in background/.
  • input (or textarea) form fields are defined once and only once by rules starting with input#<name> in the $layout.css files, and they must be the only selectors starting that way in the file. Non-textual form fields must be specified as input[type=.+]#<name>
  • the layout.css file ****MUST define a text input with id #name.
  • (up)loading a new character currently only replace inputs defined in the provided file, non-redefined caracteristics will keep their old value.


This is a simple key-value store, written in Python and using a SQLite DB, developped to allow simple GET/PUT through JSONP.

If the key is not found, the returned value will be undefined. Else the API will returns the matching value or an error if anything wrong happens (a JS Error object if using JSONP, else an HTML error page).

There are some key/value length limitations currently hardcoded at the top of the Python file. uwsgi --buffer-size parameter also limits the URI length, and hence the value size. Beware of your server limitation on the request URI (between 2KB & 8KB usually), that can e.g. trigger a 414 error with Apache.

Finally, a word of warning: trusting a 3rd party JSONP API is a big confidence commitment / security risk. More details here.

That being said, this WSGI app won't do anything nasty.

Environment setup

Installing a Python virtualenv and the needed dependencies with pew :

pew new rpg-bonhomme -p python3
make install


Initial configuration & file permissions:

echo modification_key_salt = $(strings /dev/urandom | grep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | head -n 30 | tr -d '\n') >> jsonp_db.ini
sqlite3 jsonp_db.db 'CREATE TABLE KVStore(Key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Value TEXT);'
chmod ugo+rw jsonp_db.db

Installing the backup cron task:

sudo sed -e "s~\$USER~$USER~" -e "s~\$PWD~$PWD~g" jsonp_db-crons > /etc/cron.d/jsonp_db-crons
chmod u+x /etc/cron.d/jsonp_db-crons

Installing uwsgi:

pew-in rpg-bonhomme pip install -r prod-requirements.txt

For Apache

With mod_wsgi, simply:

sudo -u www-data bash -c "source /var/www/apache-python-venv/bin/activate && pip install configobj requests"

And the Apache httpd.conf:

WSGIScriptAlias /path/to/jsonp_db /path/to/

For Nginx

cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/init/rpg-bonhomme.conf
start on startup
    set -o errexit -o nounset -o xtrace
    cd $PWD
    exec >> upstart-stdout.log
    exec 2>> upstart-stderr.log
    pew-in rpg-bonhomme uwsgi --buffer-size 64000 --http :8088 --static-map /=. --manage-script-name --mount /
end script
service rpg-bonhomme start

And the Nginx configuration:

# Required to handle very long query parameters:
http2_max_field_size 64k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 64k;

location /jsonp_db {
    include uwsgi_params;
    rewrite ^/jsonp_db(.*)$ $1 break;
location /jsonp_db-tests.ini {
    deny all;

Note that nginx has built-in limits on the HTTP headers length, that may cause rpg-bonhomme to malfunction. Hence we configure higher values for http2_max_field_size and large_client_header_buffers.


make check
make test


Require a jsonp_db.db:

make run-server

Useful shell functions

Retrieving a modification key

function get_mod_key () {
    local layout="${1?}"
    local char_name="${2?}"
    python -c "from jsonp_db import get_modification_key;print('&modification-key='+get_modification_key('${layout}_'+'${char_name}'.lower()))"

Changing an avatar

function avatar_chg () {
    local key="${1?}"
    local img="${2?}"
    python -c "import json;from jsonp_db import db_get,db_put;k='$key';v=json.loads(db_get(k));v['avatar']='$img';db_put(k, json.dumps(v))"


Adaptive Public License 1.0 (APL-1.0)

Tl;dr plain English version:



  • why this project name ? It's a reference to the line "T'as tué mon bonhomme !" from the video "Tom et ses chums! Farador D&D" :
  • in case you want to add a character sheet in PDF format, you can use pdftoppm then ImageMagick convert to get a PNG image file.