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Here you will find some projects I've done during my career as a developer. The videos may take a while to load, but wait a few seconds and you'll be able to see them. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you want to know more... contact me, I'm always available to help you!! 😉
The purpose of this Web Application is to connect collection points and people who need one. The points can act in the collection of: Lamp; Battery and paper stack; Electronic and organic waste and cooking oil. And they are located by the city in which they are located
Demonstration: Site Preview
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
The purpose of this Web Application is to connect collection points and people who need one. The points can act in the collection of: Lamp; Battery and paper stack; Electronic and organic waste and cooking oil. And they are located by the city in which they are located
Demonstration: Site Preview
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
The purpose of this application is to locate the orphanages that are close to you. But the main objective is to get people to visit these orphanages to change the day of many children.
Demonstration: Site Preview
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
Demonstration: Site Preview
Demonstration: Site Preview
The object of this application is to learn how to use the Java Interface
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
The object of this application is to learn how to use the Web Scraping in Pyhton
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
YouTube Video | Repository | Go to contact
Na visão geral abaixo você encontrará minha experiência de trabalho mais recente:
Gestor de Tráfego e Programador
Intensa Mídia • Meio-período
Linguagens & Tecnologias: Python
, JavaScript
, Facebook Ads
, Google Ads
, Google Data Studio
Projetos em destaque:
Por favor, encontre-me no LinkedIn para uma descrição mais detalhada da minha experiência de trabalho, educação e certificação.