Contains datasets, phylogenetic trees, and R code related to analyses for the Antarcticoolithus project, as published in Legendre et al. (2020, Nature).
File description:
'SupplementaryCode_Legendreetal2020.html': HTML tutorial for the code used in the paper (all references and a detailed description of the protocol can be found in the online Supplementary Information of the paper)
'SupplementaryCode_Legendreetal2020.Rmd': original R script used to generate the HTML file, in Markdown format
'Dataset1–lepidosaurs.txt': dataset 1 in TXT format, containing egg measurements, snout-vent length, and body mass for 259 species of lepidosaurs (Supplementary Table 1 in Legendre et al., 2020)
'Lepidosaurtree.trees.nex': phylogenetic tree for dataset 1, in NEXUS format
'Dataset2-amniotes.txt': dataset 2 in TXT format, containing egg measurements for 148 species of amniotes (Supplementary Table 3 in Legendre et al., 2020)
'Amniotetree.nex': phylogenetic tree for dataset 2, in NEXUS format