Based on and powered by .
run firstzsh
run before.zshrc
run after.zshrc
run lastgit
Hide user in prompt
export RPR_SHOW_USER=false
Hide hostname in prompt
export RPR_SHOW_HOST=false
Change arrow char in prompt
export PR_ARROW_CHAR='>'
For mouse copy you need to install xclip
and xsel
NOTE: in order to copy the selected text to clipboard you need to press the return key (before releasing the mouse buttton).
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
NOTE: please change the git user name and email :)
dtags <image> [<filter-key>[+<filter-key>[..]]]
list all tags for nodejs
dtags node
list all tags for nodejs that contain the key 'alpine' and 'lts'
dtags node alpine+lts
git st
Tmux prefix is ctrl + a
tmx # start tmux and create new session
tmx <session-name> # start tmux and create new session and link to specified session
tmux a # start tmux and attach to running session
tmux a -t <session-name> # start tmux and attach to specified session
tmux ls # list available sessions
tmux kill-session -t <session-name> # kill session
:new # new session
s # list sessions
$ # rename session
d # detach
:attach -c path # set session working directory (used for new windows)
c # new window
, # rename window
w # list windows
& # kill window
. # move window (prompted for a new number)
:movew # move window to the next unused number
v # vertical split (works also with %)
h # horizontal split (works also with ")
o # swap panes
q # show pane numbers
! # convert pane into window
x # kill pane
<space> # toggle between layouts
:setw synchronize-panes # toggle pane synchronize (or use 'on' or 'off' to make it specific)
? # list shortcuts
: # prompt
More commands at